-itunes journals-







(i intend to re-capitalize my artist name as “JoGa” on digital releases (to distinguish the music from the releases of other artists named “joga”))

(a ‘CDbaby representative’ named “will” promised to correct this for me)
(after i showed him the “JoGa” wikipedia page created by yours truly)

(i’d also like to ‘eliminate’ / ‘format’ the capitalization of ‘album’ + ‘song’ titles)

(though i’d probably require a ‘major distribution deal’ in order to secure this option)

going forward, i intend to release a monthly 12-song record to digital distributors until i reach #144…

this will likely require me to delete + re-upload different versions of prior digital releases…

as i progress to more sophisticated recording + mastering techniques, re-compose old material, and re-record vocal + instrumental parts, i want to constantly replace old versions of songs…

at the very least, this will require a $69 monthly fee (for the digital distribution) as well as securing time + resources for recording purposes (as well as backing up all audio data)…

the next album i intend to release to itunes is “big bang” (which will serve as the first part of the “dopeland” saga)…

in a few years, i will release the final installation of the “dopeland” saga…

both the introduction + conclusion of the “dopeland” saga still require major editing…

(at this point, i am working on a song cycle entitled “the slums”)

(“from harvard to handcuffs”…once recording for “the slums” is completed, i intended to record + release a “spring” themed album)

(what’s the point of releasing songs to ‘itunes’ when you have ‘bandcamp’?)

(when i released my first album in june 2006, i began focusing on “itunes” as a platform for my music)

12 june 2014:

(still no proper capitalization of “JoGa” in itunes)

(i won’t delete old albums (yet) because i was the first artist named “joga” to release albums to itunes)

(and now there are imitators)

(so i need a timestamp)

(‘joga’ arrived to itunes on april 2009)
(with release of ‘tabula rasa’)

i intend to re-capitalize my artist name as “JoGa” on digital releases (to distinguish the music from the releases of other artists named “joga”)…

a CDbaby representative named “will” promised to correct this for me (after i showed him the “JoGa” wikipedia page created by yours truly)

i’d also like to eliminate / format the capitalization of album + song titles…

i’d probably require a major distribution deal in order to secure this option…

going forward, i intend to release a monthly 12-song record to digital distributors until i reach #144…

this will likely require me to delete + re-upload different versions of prior digital releases…

as i progress to more sophisticated recording + mastering techniques, re-compose old material, and re-record vocal + instrumental parts, i want to constantly replace old versions of songs…

at the very least, this will require a $69 monthly fee (for the digital distribution) as well as securing time + resources for recording purposes (as well as backing up all audio data)…

the next album i intend to release to itunes is “big bang” (which will serve as the first part of the “dopeland” saga)…

in a few years, i will release the final installation of the “dopeland” saga…

both the introduction + conclusion of the “dopeland” saga still require major editing…

at this point, i am working on a song cycle entitled “the slums”…”from harvard to handcuffs”…

(once recording for “the slums” is completed, i intended to record + release a “spring” themed album)

(which became ‘the middle ages’)

(completed @! ‘mounts motel’ in ‘summer 2014’)

(btw this is ‘current joga’ talkiing to a ‘past joga’)

(who hadn’t been ‘fully formed’ quite yet)

(what’s the point of releasing songs to ‘itunes’ when you have ‘bandcamp’?)

(better ‘audio quality’?)



👈👈👈☜*“ITUNES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥