

-as of [4 MAY 2024]


/ˈdʒeɪpɛɡ/ JAY-peg‘/




(“JPEG” stands for ‘joint photographic experts group’)

(the name of the ‘committee’ that created the ‘JPEG standard’)

(…when implemented in conjunction with’still picture coding standards’)

‘JPG’ / ‘JPEG’


(for the most part)

(as i understand it)

(some system could only work with ‘3 letter extensions’)


(the ‘joint’ refers to the linking of…)

“ISO TC97 WG8”)





(in ‘1987’…)

‘ISO TC 97’ –> ‘ISO/IEC JTC1’


(in ‘1992’…)

(‘CCITT’ –> ‘ITU-T’)


(currently on the ‘JTC1’ side)


(stick with ‘JPG if you want to save some ‘time’ over ‘time’)

(not having to type that extra ‘E’)

(although i’d hoped we’d have a better ‘automation system’ in place in a few years)

(or you develp yor own ‘shorthand system’ to reliably inserts words for you)

(and use ‘AI’ to demonstarte some folish actions of ‘humans’)

(the original name for the ‘extension’ was ‘JPEG’)

(‘JPEG’ is 1 of 2 sub-groups of ‘ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1’…)

‘subcommittee 29’

‘working group 1’
(‘ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1’)

(titled as ‘coding of still pictures’)


(on the ‘ITU-T’ side’, ‘ITU-T SG16’ is the ‘respective body’)


(the original ‘JPEG’ group was organized in ‘1986’, issuing the first ‘JPEG’ standard in ‘1992’, which was approved in ‘september 1992’ as ‘ITU-T Recommendation T.81′ + in ‘1994’ as ‘ISO/IEC 10918-1’)


(“JPEG” is a commonly used method of ‘lossy compression’ for ‘digital images’, particularly for those images produced by ‘digital photography’)

(the degree of ‘compression’ can be adjusted, allowing a ‘selectable trade-off’ between ‘storage size’ + ‘image quality’)


*’JPEG’ typically achieves ’10:1 compression’*

(with little perceptible loss in ‘image quality’)

(put that to the test ASAP!)

(see who can reliably point out ‘visual differences’ between any ‘raw image file’ + its ‘compressed counterpart’)


(‘JPEG compression’ is used in a number of ‘image file formats’)

(‘JPEG/Exif’ is the most common ‘image format’ used by ‘digital cameras’ and other ‘photographic image capture devices’)

(along with ‘JPEG/JFIF’, it is the most common format for ‘storing’ + ‘transmitting’ photographic images on the ‘world wide web’)

(these ‘format variation’s are often not distinguished, and are simply called ‘JPEG’)

(the term “JPEG” is an ‘initialism’ (or ‘acronym’?) for the ‘joint photographic experts group’, which created the standard)

(the ‘MIME’ media type for JPEG is image/jpeg, except in older ‘internet explorer’ versions, which provides a ‘MIME’ type of image/pjpeg when uploading ‘JPEG images’)

(‘JPEG files’ usually have a ‘filename extension’ of “.jpg” or “.jpeg”)


(JPEG/JFIF supports a ‘maximum image size’ of ‘65,535’ × ‘65,535’ pixels, hence up to ‘4 giga-pixels’ for an ‘aspect ratio’ of ‘1:1’)








👈👈👈☜*-IMAGE FILE FORMATS-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥