





(i/ˌkæzækˈstɑːn, ˌkɑː-, -zɑːk-, -ˈstæn/; kazakh: kазақстан, qazaqstan)

*officially the republic of kazakhstan*


(“kazakhstan” is a ‘transcontinental country’ in ‘northern central asia’ and “eastern europe”)


(‘kazakhstan’ is the world’s largest ‘landlocked’ country, and the 9th largest in the world, with an area of 2,724,900 ‘square kilometers’ (/ 1,052,100 ‘square miles’))

(‘kazakhstan’ is the ‘dominant nation’ of ‘central asia’ economically, generating 60% of the region’s ‘GDP’, primarily through its ‘oil’ and ‘gas’ industries)

(‘kazakhstan’ has vast ‘mineral resources’)

(it shares borders with ‘russia’, ‘china’, ‘kyrgyzstan’, ‘uzbekistan’, and ‘turkmenistan’, and also adjoins a large part of the ‘caspian sea’)

(the ‘terrain’ of ‘kazakhstan’ includes ‘flatlands’, ‘steppe’, ‘taiga’, ‘rock canyons’, ‘hills’, ‘deltas’, ‘snow-capped mountains’, and ‘deserts’)

(‘kazakhstan’ has an estimated ’18 million people’ as of ‘2014’)

(given its ‘large land area’, its ‘population density’ is among the lowest, at ‘less than 6 people’ per ‘square kilometer’ (or ‘~15 people’ per ‘square mile’)

(the capital is ‘astana’, where it was moved in ‘1997’ from ‘almaty’ (the country’s largest ‘city’))

(the territory of ‘kazakhstan’ has historically been inhabited by ‘nomadic tribes’)

(this changed in the ’13th century’, when ‘genghis khan’ occupied the country as part of the ‘mongolian empire’)

(following internal struggles among the ‘conquerors’, power eventually reverted to the ‘nomads’)

(by the ’16th century’, the ‘kazakh’ emerged as a distinct group, divided into 3 jüz (/ ‘ancestor branches’ occupying specific territories))

(the ‘russians’ began advancing into the ‘kazakh steppe’ in the ’18th century’, and by the ‘mid-19th century’, they nominally ruled all of ‘kazakhstan’ as part of the ‘russian empire’)

(following the ‘1917 russian revolution’ (and subsequent ‘civil war’), the territory of ‘kazakhstan’) was re-organized several times)

(in ‘1936’, it was made the ‘kazakh soviet socialist republic’ (part of the ‘soviet union’)

(‘kazakhstan’ was the last of the ‘soviet republics’ to ‘declare independence’ following the ‘dissolution’ of the ‘soviet union’ in ‘1991’)

(the current ‘president’ (‘nursultan nazarbayev’) has been leader of the country since then, and is characterized as ‘authoritarian’, with a ‘government history’ of ‘human rights abuses’ and ‘suppression of ‘political opposition”)

(‘kazakhstan’ has worked to develop its ‘economy’, especially its ‘dominant hydrocarbon industry’)

(“human rights watch” says that “‘kazakhstan’ heavily restricts ‘freedom of assembly’, ‘speech’, and ‘religion'”, and other ‘human rights organizations’ regularly describe kazakhstan’s ‘human rights situation’ as ‘poor’)

(“but (then again) who are they to say?”)

(kazakhstan’s ‘131 ethnicities’ include ‘kazakhs’ (63% of the population), ‘russians’, ‘uzbeks’, ‘ukrainians’, ‘germans’, ‘tatars’, and ‘uyghurs’)

(‘islam’ is the religion of about 70% of the ‘population’, with ‘christianity’ practiced by 26% of the ‘population’)

(‘kazakhstan’ officially (though likely not ‘de facto’) allows ‘freedom of religion’, but ‘religious leaders’ who oppose the ‘government’ are ‘suppressed’)

(“suppressed?”  “how exactly does one go about ‘suppressing’?”)


(the “kazakh language” is the ‘state language’, and the ‘russian language’ has equal official status for all levels of ‘administrative’/’institutional’ purposes)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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