“let ’em in” (clips)


V4 (12:40)

shaky start
gets better

second verse better

sister susie good|bit out of tune

second attempt smoother
nailed last F flourish

V5 (3:00)

good start
thank you interruption

train interruption

good sister suzie
good yea
a bit fast?

sister suzie delay
bad let em in F flourish

slowed down chorus repeat

V6 (4:55)

hesitant start
a bit off
a bit off

gets better before sister suzie
ok, a LITTLE pitchy

train interruption

energetic sister suzie section

V7 (3:00)

train interruption at beginning
good singing
somebody twife not good
still train

train always going!

V8 (10:20)

train going at beginning again!

second chorus better

good ‘yea’
(start with that?)

(***BACK TO “LET ‘EM IN (LIVE)”***)