Meson nonet - spin 0.svg






-as of [21 SEPTEMBER 2024]-


-in ‘particle physics’, mesons are ‘hadronic sub-atomic particles’ composed of ‘1 quark’ + ‘1 anti-quark’, bound together by the ‘strong interaction’-


(because ‘mesons’ are composed of ‘quark sub-particles’, they have a ‘physical size’, with a ‘diameter’ of roughly ‘1 fermi’, which is about 23 the size of a ‘proton’ or ‘neutron’)

(all ‘mesons’ are ‘unstable’)

(the longest-‘living’ ‘mesons’ last for only a ‘few hundredths’ of a ‘microsecond’)

(‘charged mesons decay’ (sometimes through ‘mediating particles’) to form ‘electrons’ and ‘neutrinos’)

(‘uncharged mesons’ may ‘decay’ to ‘photons’)

(both of these ‘decays’ imply that ‘color’ is no longer a ‘property’ of the ‘byproducts’)

(‘mesons’ are not produced by ‘radioactive decay’, but appear in ‘nature’ only as ‘short-lived products’ of very ‘high-energy interactions’ in ‘matter’, between ‘particles’ made of ‘quarks’, such as the ‘collision’ of ‘cosmic rays’ made of ‘nuclei’ (ordinary ‘protons’ and ‘neutrons’)

(‘mesons’ are also frequently ‘produced ‘artificially” in ‘high-energy particle accelerators’ in the ‘collisions’ of ‘protons’, ‘anti-protons’, or other ‘particles’)

(in ‘nature’, the importance of ‘mesons’ is that they are the associated ‘quantum-field particles’ that transmit the ‘nuclear force’ between ‘hadrons’ that pull those together into a ‘nucleus’)

(their ‘effect’ is analogous to ‘photons’ that are the ‘force carriers’ that transmit the ‘electromagnetic ‘force’ of ‘attraction” between oppositely charged ‘protons’ and ‘electrons’ that allow ‘individual atoms’ to ‘exist’, and further, to pull ‘atoms’ together into ‘molecules’)

(‘higher energy’ (/ ‘more massive’) mesons were created momentarily in the ‘big bang’, but are not thought to play a role in ‘nature’ today)

(however, such ‘heavy mesons’ are regularly created in ‘experiments’, in order to understand the ‘nature’ of the ‘heavier’ types of ‘the quark’ that compose the ‘heavier mesons’)

(‘mesons’ are part of the ‘hadron particle family’, and are defined simply as ‘particles’ composed of ‘2 quarks’)

(the other members of the ‘hadron family’ are the ‘baryons’)
(‘subatomic particles’ composed of ‘3 quarks’ (rather than the mesonic ‘2 quark’ structure))

(some experiments show evidence of ‘exotic mesons’, which do not have the ‘conventional valence quark content’ of ‘1 quark’ and ‘1 anti-quark’)

(because ‘quarks’ have a ‘spin’ of 12, the difference in ‘quark #’ between ‘mesons’ and ‘baryons’ results in conventional ‘2-quark mesons’ being ‘bosons’, whereas ‘baryons’ are ‘fermions’)

(each type of ‘meson’ has a corresponding ‘anti-particle’ (aka ‘anti-meson’) in which ‘quarks’ are replaced by their corresponding ‘anti-quarks’ and ‘vice versa’)

(for example, a ‘positive pion’ (π+) is made of “1 ‘up’ quark” and “1 ‘down’ quark”, and its corresponding ‘anti-particle’, the ‘negative pion’ (π−), is made of “1 ‘up’ anti-quark” and “1 ‘down’ quark”)

(because ‘mesons’ are composed of ‘quarks’, they participate in both the ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ interactions)

(‘mesons’ with ‘net electric charge’ also participate in the ‘electromagnetic interaction’)

(‘mesons’ are classified according to their ‘quark content’, ‘total angular momentum’, ‘parity’, and various other ‘properties’, such as ‘C-parity’ and ‘G-parity’)

(although no ‘meson’ is ‘stable’, those of ‘lower mass’ are nonetheless more ‘stable’ than the more ‘massive’, and are easier to ‘observe’ and ‘study’ in ‘particle accelerators’ or in ‘cosmic ray experiments’)

(‘mesons’ are also typically ‘less massive’ than ‘baryons’, meaning that they are more easily produced in ‘experiments’, and thus exhibit certain ‘higher energy phenomena’ more readily than do ‘baryons’ composed of the same ‘quarks’)


(for example, the ‘charm quark’ was first seen in the J/Psi meson (J/ψ) in ‘1974’, and the ‘bottom quark’ in the ‘upsilon meson’ (ϒ) in ‘1977’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE HADRON”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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