"the british invasion"*our conclusions*

(first of all, it occurred BEFORE my time)

(unless you count the prevalence of modern-day ‘british bands’)

(americans may still feel inferior to the brits)

(at least the “average american”)

(even though the US defeated them in 2 wars)

(saved their asses in the 20th century “world wars”)

(what would music be like without ‘the beatles’?)

(most popular musician in terms of total self-defined “fans”)

(“i’m a fan”)

(or how “fervent” their fans are)

(in terms of analyzing songs + attending (multiple) shows)

(and how often humans collectively THINK about you)

(that there already gives you somewhat of “eternal life”)

(or at least “eternal presence”)

(“1964” was a certainly a good year for births of british bands!)

(“note the writer’s overwhelming ‘b”-themed alliteration…”)

(in the tradition of ‘gandhi’ + ‘washington’, the ‘american music industry’ struggles for independence from ‘great britain’)

(‘gandhi’ + ‘wasinngton’ both being the readers of ‘oppressived subjects’ of a foreign empire)



(the “british invasion” (led by ‘the beatles’ in 1964) resulted in british musical domination)


(this continues to the ‘modern day’ as british bands (like “mumford and sons”) adopt “americana” postures in order to win over ‘american audiences’)












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥