-the atomic nucleus-









(plural —> “nuclei”)


(“nucleus” is a ‘latin’ word for “the seed inside a fruit”)


-the nucleus is the ‘small/dense region’ consisting of ‘nucleons’ (aka ‘protons’ / ‘neutrons’) at the ‘center’ of an ‘atom’-


(think “the sun”)
(…or not…)
(“why only an ‘amateur’ would make this assumption’ in this day/age”)

(both ‘protons’ and ‘neutrons’ have roughly ‘equal masses’)

(‘protons’ have a ‘positive electric charge’)

(‘neutrons’ have ‘no electric charge’)

(the ‘atomic nucleus’ was discovered in ‘1911’ by ‘ernest rutherford’ based on the ‘1909 ‘geiger’–’marsden’ ‘gold foil’ experiment’)

(after the discovery of the ‘neutron’ in ‘1932’, ‘models’ for a ‘nucleus’ composed of ‘protons’ and ‘neutrons’ were quickly developed by ‘dmitri ivanenko’ and ‘werner heisenberg’)

(almost all of the ‘mass’ of an ‘atom’ is located in the ‘nucleus’, with a very small contribution from the ‘electron cloud’)

(‘protons’ and ‘neutrons’ are bound together to form a ‘nucleus’ by the ‘nuclear force’)

(the ‘diameter’ of the ‘nucleus’ is in the range of 1.75 fm (or 1.75×10−15 m) for ‘hydrogen’ (aka ‘diameter’ of a single ‘proton’) to about ‘15 fm’ for the ‘heaviest atoms’, such as ‘uranium’)

(these’ dimensions’ are much smaller than the ‘diameter’ of the ‘atom’ itself (aka “‘nucleus’ + ‘electron cloud'”), by a ‘factor’ of about ‘23,000’ (for ‘uranium’) to about ‘145,000’ (for ‘hydrogen’))

(the branch of ‘physics’ concerned with the ‘study’ and ‘understanding’ of the ‘atomic nucleus’, including its ‘composition’ and the ‘forces’ which bind it together, is called ‘nuclear physics’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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