-‘simpletons’ merely don’t realize (‘jesus’ / ‘mohammed’ / etc) is an ABSTRACTION created by patriarchs who only have base desires to control hearts + minds of teenage girl population in any given circumstance-
(the middle-aged WOMEN who fall for this trap are particularly pathetic…)
they’re just basically appointing themselves sexless chefs for these dumbed-down false prophets….
it’s the young men who always pay the price until they grow the balls to rise up against these moneyed monkeys)
(for more on this unfailing principle, please read up on mormons / muslims / any modern-day society based on the premise of most powerful male being appointed “prophet” / all “big love” connotations aside, it’s the way things go amongst powered primates)
por ejemplo, “heyzeus” is merely an idealization of the ‘passive’ oer the ‘aggressive’. so that the weak among us can take intellectual refuge and the “strong” meatheads among us can manipulate in order to align themselves w/ “teachings” of christ (vague and unprofound as they may be) with their own simple-minded sexual agendas.
‘vague and unprofound’ you say??? surely! this christ you speak so highly of was by no means a rigorous intellectual…
even the cowardly atheistic contrarians submit to the so-called “ideal of christ”
(*cue bill maher (or john lennon / he was no genius!!! (for proof just listen to anything he did in the 1970s /
“imagine” is no “classic”…
merely a melodically repetitive recitation of platitudes) professing in some nasally jew (or jewslave – remember john lennon not only fell for brian epstein but subsequently for allen klein….
that jewish -EIN surname suffix is no fucking coincidence!) tone the same old rhetorical cliche: explaining ‘christ was smart but his followers are stooooopid….’. you moron! that makes you no better than the people you use as straw men / women to make your “millions”!*)
(*note: without faggy brian epstein the beatles would probably still be playing @ the cavern club to this very day…)
(not unlike mosta the middle-aged baby boomers crowding out the babypool live venues nowadays)
(and without allen klein, the beatles woulda never broken up…(thereby sealing their sonic legacy and not allowing themselves to issue “beatles” music according to their rapidly diminishing standards…
so that they collectively peaked in the most beautiful sonic way in their late 20s with “abbey road”)
(like charles lindbergh said, every culture could use a few good jews!)
(only once you give’em too much power and they start deluding selves into thinking that ‘they’ should be the stars, said culture quickly begins resembling a dumbed-down casino…)
(which reminds me, what tops billboard charts these days?
is it “party rock anthem” or another song by katy perry?)
(i don’t find russell brand (or ANY modern-day brit) amusing)
nor do i find larry david nor jerry seinfeld funny (though they speak so similarly i can’t help but suspect…)
i don’t find chelsea handler’s sloppy ramblings about her meathead father amusing.
however, as a man struggling to be a commercially succesful artist, i can’t help but observe that all those around me (seemingly without exception) DO.
much like all around me either are self-professed “believers” or make it a point to distinguish selves by overemphasized agnostic tendencies…
the way i see it, christ was no more than a bitter bastard, a rogue jew (much like the asinine aimless ayrabs of modern day).
all he did was spout off these allegedly ‘profound’ patriarchal parables that did no more than “confirm” that he had a “father” in the sky that was telling him what to do, alternately telling “us” (at least the simpletons who still take ancient texts as mantra) to be as passive as humanly possible (which incidentally comes quite naturally to some!) until a bearded man (i imagine in most simpletons’ limited imagination) “swoops” down from the sky and rescues them for all eternity for “believing in” this martyred “jew” (i’m really not sure whether this subset of humans even EVER existed so don’t you dare drag this narrative into “anti-semitic” territory 🙂
the only “exhibit A(s)” i ever needed to see came to me as an eleven-year-old!!! sexually manipulated american in the form of two contradictory “parables” about “god” (= ‘section of my/your intellect intermittently unleashed to overwhelm the simpletons’) randomly spreading his “seed” (= “simpletons”) so that some grew into trees in fertile fields while others withered on paved roads
…only 2 b followed by another unprofound “parable” about a “master” (= ‘monetary god who may’ve very well been “born better than you” based on familial financial status’) giving his “servants” (= simpletons) “money” (aka = “right to life”) only to find that some servants “invested” to make more money while others “played it safe” and made no more money.
well well well…
herein outlines the ultimate intellectual dilemma of mankind: freewill or predestination???
to ascribe these contradictory intellectual vagaries to christ’s “all-knowing” persona is nothing more than intellectual laziness
(which is why the overwhelming majority of “believers” did NOT graduate from anything resembling ivy leagues / and if they did they were just dumb jocks brought in to appease the moneymen)….
which is why if i had to push a single button in order to filter mankind, i’d surely use it to filter those who self-identify as “religious” vs those who don’t
(note that it’s the “religious” ironically enough getting the proverbial boot!)
then again, i’m also quite wary of those who make a career out of bashing said simpletons (dawkins / hitchens / various uppity brits who are really no more rational than you are despite their professional arrogance).
(sure, we can always go on bashing ‘chimpanzees’ for their ‘crude sexual agendas’, but why not try to isolate the most ‘enlightened’ of the species and attempt to make sum sorta progress???)
👈👈👈☜*“ENEMY ARCHETYPES”* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥