-quantum mekanix-








“quantum fizzix”

“quantum theory”


[‘quantum mechanics’ (including ‘quantum field theory’) is a fundamental branch of ‘physics’ concerned with processes involving – for example (???) – ‘atoms’ + ‘photons’]


(systems such as these which obey ‘quantum mechanics’ can be in a ‘quantum superposition’ of different states, unlike in ‘classical physics’)

(‘quantum mechanics’ gradually arose from max planck’s solution in ‘1900’ to the ‘black-body radiation problem’ (reported in ‘1859’) and albert einstein’s 1905 paper which offered a ‘quantum-based theory’ to explain the ‘photoelectric effect’ (reported in ‘1887’))

(early ‘quantum theory’ was profoundly ‘re-conceived’ in the ‘mid-1920s’)

(the ‘re-conceived theory’ is formulated in various specially developed mathematical ‘formalisms’)

(in one of them, a mathematical function (the ‘wave function’) provides information about the ‘probability amplitude’ of ‘position’, ‘momentum’, and other ‘physical properties’ of a ‘particle’)


(important applications of ‘quantum theory’ include…)

*’super-conducting magnets’*

*’light-emitting diodes’ + the ‘laser’*

*the ‘transistor’ + ‘semi-conductors’*
(such as the ‘microprocessor’)

*’medical’/’research’ imaging*
(such as ‘magnetic resonance imaging’ + ‘electron microscopy’)

*explanations for many ‘biological’/’physical’ phenomena*






👈👈👈☜*“QUANTUM”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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