(devanagari: शक्ति)
(from sanskrit shak – “to be able”)
(meaning sacred force or empowerment)
(the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the ‘entire universe’ in ‘hinduism’)
(‘shakti’ is the ‘concept’, or ‘personification’, of ‘divine feminine creative power’, sometimes referred to as ‘the great divine mother‘ in ‘hinduism’)
(on the ‘earthly plane’, ‘shakti’ most actively manifests through ‘female embodiment’ and ‘fertility’, though it is also present in ‘males’ in its ‘potential’, ‘unmanifest’ form)
(not only is the ‘shakti’ responsible for ‘creation’, it is also the ‘agent’ of all ‘change’)
(‘shakti’ is ‘cosmic existence’ as well as ‘liberation’, its most significant form being the ‘kundalini shakti’, a ‘mysterious psycho-spiritual force’)
(‘shakti’ exists in a state of ‘svātantrya’ (or ‘dependence on no one’) being ‘interdependent’ with the ‘entire universe’)
(in ‘shaktism’, “shakti” is worship[ed as the ‘supreme being’)
(however, in other hindu traditions of ‘shaivism’ and ‘vaishnavism’, ‘shakti’ embodies the ‘active feminine energy’ ‘prakriti’ of ‘purusha’, who is ‘vishnu’ in ‘vaishnavism’ or ‘shiva’ in ‘shaivism’)
(vishnu’s female counterpart is called ‘lakshmi’, with ‘parvati’ being the female half of ‘shiva’)
(cue jon mclaughlin “remember shakti”)
(‘fall 2003’)
(‘sanders theater’)
(‘will rodger’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥