‘shock and awe’ (origins)

(written ‘january 2008’)
(east village NYC)

(first few months of jpmorgan ops job)
(it was when i first gained confidence in the singing voice…)

(first song i wrote in key of Eb / D#)

(tows the line between jaded resignation and long-repressed hope)

(so i spent the night setting the song to chords)
(then i spent the rest of the month recording the song)

(i was really sensitive back then about my vocal accuracy)

(because blumberg had shit on the vocals for a new version of ‘22’ i sent him)
(via email)

(so i ultimately invited liliana to sing on the track)
(because she’s a much more accepted singer than me)

(she eventually recorded her vocals in march 2008)

(right before she left my apartment)

(and i spent a full week mixing down the track to perfection)
(i excitedly sent her a final version to no e-mail response)

(she just wanted me to record her songs for free)

(introduction of joga / amanda alegria / ashley alegria in cocoa court den)

(a song about the current condition of the human race)
(features the vocals of ‘liliana rose’)

(first few months of jpmorgan ops job)
(it was when i first gained confidence in the singing voice…)

(first song i wrote in key of Eb / D#)

(tows the line between jaded resignation and long-repressed hope)

(so i spent the night setting the song to chords)
(then i spent the rest of the month recording the song)

(i was really sensitive back then about my vocal accuracy)

(because blumberg had shit on the vocals for a new version of ‘22’ i sent him)
(via email)

(so i ultimately invited liliana to sing on the track)
(because she’s a much more accepted singer than me)

(she eventually recorded her vocals in march 2008)

(right before she left my apartment)

(and i spent a full week mixing down the track to perfection)
(i excitedly sent her a final version to no e-mail response)

(she just wanted me to record her songs for free)

(the song was rejected by TAXI a few times)

(both my solo version and the liliana version)

this is what they said:

good lyrical theme

some interesting imagery sets the stage here

‘don’t get surprised no more’…we can relate…

unfortunately, the song’s lyrical theme doesn’t seem to convey the same sort of depth. I don’t doubt your sincerity, but for some reason I do have a difficult time investing myself emotionally in what you’re singing about.

there are some vocal pitch issues that could be addressed.

good vocal arrangement.emotion, male/ female layers, textures…yet it can help to create one, distinctive lead vocal identity

and the vocal is buried in the mix.

the way in which the vocals are arranged sounds really wonderful.

It sounds like there are layers of voices, and I really like how they all seem to bend and weave around one another.

I think that overall the performances could use some tightening up in order to show this band in the best light possible.

without drums to provide a solid rhythmic foundation this arrangement feels a bit lackluster.

the distortion effect you’re using on the guitar also sounds overly synthetic.

In general, the recording seems suitable for use as a demo on which to test out instrumental and arrangement ideas, but it is not suitable for this type of broadcast quality listing.

Sounds rough and unfinished.

Lacks any sort of dynamic variation,

This track has an original feel, sound Joseph……

Musically, the track falls somewhere between funk, hard rock and psychedelia, but seems to lack the sensibility associated with today’s indie rock music. The instrumental performance is handled with obvious skill and conviction.

introduction of joga / amanda alegria / ashley alegria in cocoa court den

a song about the current condition of the human race…
(features the vocals of ‘liliana rose’)













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