

“guatama buddha”

-born ~563 BCE-

(northeastern india)

(present-day nepal)
(born into a royal hindu family)
(father: king suddhodana)
(at age 16, his father arranged a marriage to a cousin of the same age named “yasodhara”)
(they had a son named “rahula”)
(at age 29 buddha left his castle to meet his subjects)


(at age 80 the buddha died of old age…)

(“all composite things are perishable…strive for your own liberation with diligence”…)


(“Gautama Buddha” (c. 563 BCE/480 BCE – c. 483 BCE/400 BCE), also known as Siddhārtha Gautama [sid̪ːʱɑːrt̪ʰə gəut̪əmə], Shakyamuni Buddha [ɕɑːkjəmun̪i bud̪ːʱə], or simply the Buddha, after the title of Buddha, was an ascetic (śramaṇa) and sage, on whose teachings ‘Buddhism’ was founded)


(he is believed to have lived and taught mostly in the eastern part of ancient India sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE)

(‘Gautama’ taught a ‘Middle Way’ between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism found in the śramaṇa movement common in his region)

(he later taught throughout other regions of eastern India such as ‘Magadha’ and ‘Kosala’)

(‘Gautama’ is the primary figure in ‘Buddhism’)

(he is recognized by Buddhists as an enlightened teacher who attained full Buddhahood, and shared his insights to help sentient beings end rebirth and suffering)

(accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarized after his death and memorized by his followers)

(various collections of teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral tradition and first committed to writing about 400 years later)








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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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