"the holy roman empire"

Flag of Holy Roman Empire




(first “holy roman emperor”)
(800 – 814)


(last “holy roman emperor”)
(1792 – 1806)


‘latin’ –> sacrum imperium romanum

‘german’ –> heiliges römisches reich


(‘the holy roman empire’ was a ‘multi-ethnic complex of territories’ in ‘central europe’ that developed during the ‘early middle ages’ and continued until its ‘dissolution’ in ‘1806’)


(the largest territory of the empire after ‘962’ was the ‘kingdom of germany’, though it also came to include the ‘kingdom of bohemia’, the ‘kingdom of burgundy’, the ‘kingdom of italy’, and numerous other ‘territories’)

(on ’25 december 800′, ‘pope leo III’ crowned the frankish king ‘charlemagne’ as ’emperor’, reviving the title in ‘western europe’, more than 3 centuries after the fall of the ‘western roman empire’)

(the title continued in the ‘carolingian family’ until ‘888’ and from ‘896’ to ‘899’, after which it was contested by the rulers of ‘italy’ in a series of ‘civil wars’ until the death of the last italian claimant (‘berengar’) in ‘924’)

(the title was revived in ‘962’ when ‘otto I’ was crowned ’emperor’, fashioning himself as the successor of ‘charlemagne’ and beginning a continuous existence of the ’empire’ for over ‘8 centuries’)

(some historians refer to the coronation of ‘charlemagne'” as the origin of the ’empire’, while others prefer the coronation of ‘otto I’ as its beginning)

(scholars generally concur, however, in relating an ‘evolution’ of the ‘institutions’ and ‘principles’ constituting the ’empire’, describing a gradual assumption of the ‘imperial title’ and ‘imperial role’)

(the precise term “holy roman empire” was not used until the ’13th century’, but the concept of translatio imperii, the notion that he held ‘supreme power’ inherited from the ’emperors of rome’, was fundamental to the ‘prestige’ of the ’emperor’)

(the office of “holy roman emperor” was traditionally ‘elective’, although frequently controlled by ‘dynasties’)

(the german ‘prince-electors’ (the highest-ranking ‘noblemen’ of the ’empire’) usually elected one of their peers as “king of the romans,” and he would later be crowned ’emperor’ by the ‘pope’; the tradition of ‘papal coronations’ was discontinued in the ’16th century’)

(the ’empire’ never achieved the extent of ‘political unification’ formed in ‘france’, evolving instead into a ‘decentralized’ + ‘limited’ elective monarchy composed of hundreds of ‘sub-units’, ‘principalities’, ‘duchies’, ‘counties’, ‘free imperial cities’, and other ‘domains’)

(the power of the ’emperor’ was limited, and while the various princes, lords, bishops, and cities of the empire were vassals who owed the emperor their allegiance, they also possessed an extent of privileges that gave them de facto independence within their ‘territories’)


(’emperor francis II’ dissolved the empire on ‘6 august 1806’, after the creation of the ‘confederation of the rhine’ by ‘napoleon’)






👈👈👈☜*“EUROPEAN HISTORY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥