“the negro leagues” (chords)





(riff: F# A B C# F# A E E C# C#)


(black bobo standup comic as opening act)

(announced by kevin pollak to a auditorium of robert raymars:)

“from harvard to handcuffs…!”

anthony cumia:

“from yale to jail…!”

(in unison:)

“from princeton to prison…!”

(blinking sign: “it is now safe for your daughters to leave their bedrooms”)

(joga rolls his eyes as he approaches from stage left)


(bass: F# (Bb))


(C# C#sus2 (sum) C# C#sus2 (griev) C#) (Bdim (competing in the) Adim A (negro) F# (leagues))


(bass: C# B (G#) A (E) F# (Bb) C# (B))

sailin down to sumter to address his grievances

competing in the negro leagues

breaking all the records…make the all-time leader list…


(Bdim (you’re a needy) B Bsus2 (needle)) (B6 (i’m a))

(G#6 F#6 F#) (broken bottle) (F#sus2 (you’re a))

(bass: B (G#) G# (F) F# (G# Bb))

you’re a needy needle

i’m a broken bottle

(Bdim (lethal) B B6 (evil))

(Bbm6 (i’m your old) D#7 (est) C#dim (rival) Bm6 (o) C#dim (o) F#9 (o) Bbm6 (o) D#7 (o))


(bass: B Bb (C#) D# (C#) C# (Bb) B (D) C# (Bb G) F# (G#) Bb (C#) D# (C#) C#)

you’re a lethal evil

i’m your oldest rival



(Bdim (you’re a needy) B Bsus2 (needle)) (B6 (i’m a))

(G#6 F#6 F#) (broken bottle) (F#sus2 (you’re a))

(bass: B (G#) G# (F) F# (G# Bb))

you’re a needy needle

i’m a broken bottle

(Bdim (lethal) B B6 (evil))

(Bm6 (i’m your old) D#7 (est) C#dim (rival) Bm6 (o) C#dim (o) F#9 (o) Bbm6 (o) D#7 (o))


(bass: B Bb (C#) D# (C#) C# (Bb) B (D) C# (Bb G) F# (G#) Bb (C#) D# (C#) C#)

you’re a lethal evil

i’m your oldest rival


(VERSE x 1)

(C# C#sus2 (sum) C# C#sus2 (griev) C#) (Bdim Adim A F#)


(bass: C# B (G#) A (E) F# (Bb) C# (B))

then  (F#) (C#) (B) (Bbm)

(bass: (C# B G# F) F# (Bb) C# B Bb (C#))


(up to D#major)

(C#dim (you’re a needy) C# C#sus2 (needle)) (C#6 (i’m a))

(Bb6 G#6 G#) (broken bottle) (G#sus2 (you’re a))

(bass: C# (Bb) Bb (G) G# (Bb C))

you’re a true believer

i’m a baby bible

(C#dim (lethal) C# C#6)

(Cm6 (i’m your old) F7 (est) D#dim (rival) C#m6 (o) D#dim (o) G#9 (o) Cm6 (o) F7 (o))


(bass: C# C (D#) F (D#) D# (C ) C# (E) D# (C A) G# (Bb) C (D#) F (D#) D#)

you’re a lethal evil

i’m your oldest rival


(D#maj7 D#maj7sus2 (the choi) D#)

calling on the choir

(Cm Cmsus4 (accept) Cm)

seeking your acceptance

(G# G#6 (in) G# (the) G#7 (bat) G#6 (ers) G# (box))

born in the batter’s box

(G G#dim (the) G G7 G+ (trance))

back to the ondeck entrance


too many people won’t go


too many people said no

(Fmsus2 Fm Fm7 Fm6)

(F) (Gm) (A7) (Bdim)

no no no no…

(Bbsus2 Bb G# G)

(Bm Bm6 Bm7 Bm6)


(bass: D# (Bb) C (G) G# G G# G F (A) G (Bb) A (C#) B Bb G# G (B) B (D) D)


[(D Dsus4 (wind) D (up)) (D7 D6 (step) D Dsus4 (don’t) D Dsus2 (a)) (G6 G) (way) (Gm (and do) Gmsus2 (i say))] x 12

(bass: D (A F#) G (A Bb))


here comes the wind-up

step in and don’t back away

do you hear what i say?

i’m getting ready

last night you turned me away

i’m feeling lucky today…


born in the batter’s box

don’t let ’em get to your head

yea, i heard what they said

pied piper…

i’d better get back in bed…


wearing out your bible belt…

i think i know how you felt…

the night you turned away…

too goddamned sad to stay…


born in the batter’s box

don’t let ’em get to your head

yea, i heard what they said

pied piper…

i’d better get back in bed…

pied piper…

i’d better get back in bed…

pied piper…

i’d better get back in bed…

pied piper…

i’d better get back in bed…




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  1. the negro leagues | *JoGa Jungle*

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