“the 9 days of av”

(the 9 days of av are a ‘religious observance’ in ‘judaism’ that takes place during the first 9 days of the ‘jewish month’ of ‘av’ (corresponding to ‘july’ / ‘august’))


(the ‘9 days’ begin on ‘rosh chodesh av’ (aka “first of av”)


(…and culminates on the ‘public fast day’ of ’tisha b’av (“9th of av”))


*the ‘9 days’ are part of a larger period of time known as ‘the 3 weeks’…*

which begin with the ‘public fast day’ of the ’17th of tammuz’ — commemorated in ‘judaism’ for the time when the forces of ‘nebuchadnezzar’ of ‘babylonia’ finally broke through the ‘defensive walls’ surrounding ‘jerusalem’ (generally accepted as happening in ‘586 BCE’)



and end with the ‘public fast day’ of ’tisha b’av — when the ‘babylonians’ finally destroyed the ‘1st temple’ in ‘597 BCE’ and when the ‘2nd temple’ was destroyed by the ‘romans’ in ’70 CE’)


(during the entire ‘3 weeks’, certain activities are forbidden to ‘jews’ by ‘jewish law’ in order to ‘decrease joy’ and ‘inspire mourning; over the ‘destruction of temple’)


(the ‘talmud’ says, “when the month of ‘av’ begins, ‘we’ [i.e. ‘jews’] reduce our ”joy'”)



(the “9 days” inaugurates an even greater level of ‘communal’ + ‘personal’ mourning in recognition of the many ‘tragedies’ and ‘calamities’ that befell the ‘jewish people’ at this time)


“not again!”

(these tragedies include…)

*the destruction of both ‘temples’*

*the expulsion of the ‘jews’ from ‘spain’ on ’tisha b’av 1492’*

*the outbreak of ‘world war 1′ on ’tisha b’av 1914′)
(which overturned many ‘jewish communities’)

(the ‘9 days’ are considered an ‘inauspicious time’, fraught with ‘danger’ even in our ‘day’ (and ‘age’))

(rather than view the ‘3 weeks and the ‘9 days’ as times of ‘punishment’ and ‘self-mortification’, some ‘jewish teachings’ see them as opportunities for ‘introspection’, ‘repentance’, and forging a closer relationship with ‘god’)

(the ‘talmud’ states that all who mourn the destruction of ‘jerusalem’ will merit to rejoice in its ‘rebuilding’)

(the ‘sages’ also teach that the ‘jewish messiah’ will be born on ‘Tisha B’Av’)
(7 august 1984)
(2 days off!)

“where’s my cigar?:


(it is that ‘promise of redemption’ which makes this period one of ‘hope’/’anticipation’)








👈👈👈☜*“AV”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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