





ancient greek Οὐρανός, ouranos [oːranós]
(meaning “sky” or “heaven”)

(a cognate of “air”)
(so “ouranos” means “father sky”)
(son and husband of ‘gaia’ –> ‘mother earth’)


-‘uranus’ was the ‘primal greek god’ personifying the ‘sky’-


(his equivalent in ‘roman mythology’ was “caelus”)

(in ‘ancient greek literature’, ‘uranus’ (or ‘faher sky’) was the son and husband of ‘gaia’ (or ‘mother earth’))

(according to hesiod’s theogony, ‘uranus ‘was conceived by ‘gaia’ alone, but other sources cite ‘aether’ as his father)

(‘uranus’ + ‘gaia’ were the parents of the ‘first generation’ of ‘titans’, and the ancestors of most of the ‘greek gods’, but no ‘cult’ addressed directly to ‘uranus’ survived into ‘classical times’, and ‘uranus’ does not appear among the usual themes of ‘greek painted pottery’)

(‘elemental earth’ / ‘sky’ / ‘styx’ might be joined, however, in a solemn invocation in ‘homeric epic’)






👈👈👈☜*“GREEK MYTHOLOGY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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