






-“bust/waist/hip measurements” (informally called vital statistics) are a common method of specifying ‘body proportions’ for the purpose of fitting clothes-


(they match the 3 ‘inflection points’ of the ‘female body shape’)


(it is also often used in women’s [‘personal ads’ / ‘internet profiles’] to indicate their ‘appearance’)


(in ‘human body measurement’, the 3 sizes are the circumferences of the [‘bust’ / ‘waist’ / ‘hips’] usually rendered as 3 sizes: xx–yy–zz in ‘inches’/’centimeters’)


(the 3 sizes are used mostly in ‘fashion’, and almost exclusively in reference to women, who have a greater tendency to develop a ‘waist’ that is narrowed in relation to the ‘bust’ + ‘hip’)








👈👈👈☜*“BODY TYPES”* ☞ 👉👉👉


