
Jupiter Smyrna Louvre Ma13.jpg


‘modern english’ —> /ˈzjuːs/


‘ancient greek’ —> ‘zεύς’ / ‘zeús’ / [zdeǔ̯s]

‘modern greek’ —> Δίας,Días / [ˈði.as])


(‘zeus’ was the ‘sky’ + ‘thunder’ god in ‘ancient greek religion’, who ruled as ‘king of the gods’ of ‘mount olympus’)


(his name is ‘cognate’ with the 1st element of his roman equivalent ‘jupiter’)

(‘zeus’ is the child of ‘cronus’ + ‘rhea’, the youngest of his siblings to be born…)

(…though sometimes reckoned the ‘eldest’ as the others required disgorging from cronus’s stomach)

(in most traditions, he is married to ‘hera’, by whom he is usually said to have fathered (‘ares’ / ‘hebe’ / ‘hephaestus’))

(at the oracle of ‘dodona’, his ‘consort’ was said to be ‘dione’, by whom the Iliad states that he fathered ‘aphrodite’)

(‘zeus’ was also infamous for his ‘erotic escapades’)


(these resulted in many ‘godly’ + ‘heroic’ offspring, including…)









‘helen’ (of ‘troy’)


‘the muses’


(he was respected as an ‘allfather’ who was ‘chief of the gods’ and assigned the others to their roles…)

“Even the gods who are not his natural children address him as Father, and all the gods rise in his presence”

said “no one…ever”


(he was equated with many foreign ‘weather gods’, permitting ‘pausanias’ to observe…)

”that ‘zeus’ is ‘king’ in ‘heaven’ is a saying common to all men”


(his symbols are…)

‘the thunder-bolt’

‘the eagle’

‘the bull’

‘the oak’


“well that just ’bout covers all the bases…”



(in addition to his ‘indo-european inheritance’, the classical “cloud-gatherer” (greek –> Νεφεληγερέτα / Nephelēgereta) also derives certain ‘iconographic traits’ from the cultures of the ‘ancient near east’, such as the ‘scepter’)


(‘zeus’ is frequently depicted by ‘greek artists’ in 1 of 2 poses…)

*standing, striding forward with a ‘thunder-bolt’ leveled in his raised right hand*


*seated in ‘majesty’*






👈👈👈☜*“GREEK MYTHOLOGY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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