*’DV’ is a format for storing ‘digital video’*
(it was launched in ‘1995’ with joint efforts of leading producers of ‘video camera recorders’)
(the original ‘DV specification’, known as Blue Book, was standardized within the ‘IEC 61834’ family of ‘standards’)
(these ‘standards’ define common features such as ‘physical videocassettes’, ‘recording modulation method’, ‘magnetization’, and ‘basic system data’ in ‘part 1’)
(‘part 2’ describes the specifics of ‘525-60’ + ‘625-50’ systems)
(the ‘IEC standards’ are available as ‘publications’ sold by ‘IEC’ + ‘ANSI’)
(in ‘2003’, ‘DV’ was joined by a successor format ‘HDV’, which used the same ‘tape format’ with a different ‘video codec’)
(some ‘cameras’ at the time had the ability to switch between ‘DV’ + ‘HDV’ recording modes)
(all ‘tape-based video formats’ are becoming increasingly obsolete…)
(…as ‘tapeless HD cameras’ have become the ‘norm’)
(recording on ‘memory cards’, ‘hard disk drives’, ‘solid-state drives’, and ‘optical discs’ have become the norm, although the ‘DV encoding standard’ is sometimes still used in ‘tapeless cameras’)
👈👈👈☜*“VIDEO FILE TYPES”* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥