“18 september 2015”


(polished off a 12-pack of ‘natural ice’ while busking ’round princeton)
(carried it in my red backpack)

(it’s risky drinking in public)
(outside libraries)
(in library bathrooms)
(on the bus)
(on nassau street)
(i even gave a beer to double-gobble ed)

(the beers hit me harder than i anticipated)
(from yesterday’s robotrip?)
(had a negative impact on singing voice)

(bummed a cigarette from sean)
(manager at labyrinth books)
(they are no longer hiring now that the school rush is over)

(met 2 black girls / 1 hispanic girl who fell in love with me)

(then i ran into brother john sitting on a park bench with double gobble ed)
(he finally followed me)
(we drove back to his condo and smoked a joint)
(i felt fantastic smoking a cigarette on his deck)
(then i got hungry because i hadn’t eaten all day)
(blew my $14 at taco bell)
(beef enchilada / quesadilla / beef nachos / strawberry frosty)
(then he dropped me off at midnight and said we couldn’t hang out any longer)
(he’s still on the schizo star trip)

(listened to my audible book to go to sleep)
(the room is sloppy as hell)
(i kept on eating peanut butter / cheerios / raisins)
(preparing for the shits the next day)

(couldn’t drag myself out of bed)
(because i was getting the same old withdrawals)
(cheryl lynn called this morning)

(then i finally took a shower and cleaned up my act)
(headed to the library before 2pm)
(dana the librarian is here)

(now i’m going to have to busk in princeton all day in order to earn money to hit NYC tomorrow)
(they are anticipating my arrival)
(caught 4:45pm 606 bus and headed to princeton library)
(brother john wants to meet me now in princeton)
(chatting with cheryl lynn + AI)
(cheryl lynn coming @ 2pm thursday)
(i’m starving)
(and i’ve got terrible gas)
(i don’t feel like busking)
(i feel like getting laid)