“22 september 2017”


(my usual dose of 600mg DPH last night)

(ended the night with a dozen eggs + a can of campbell’s tomato soup)
(someone on lefferts seems to leave out foodstuffs every night)
(for the hungry?)
(between bedford and rogers on east side)
(i’d also picked up a can of spam and canned corn at the same location a month ago)

(large brown eggs going for $2.19 @ key foods)
(they seem to have raised the prices)

(still owe jean $10 for the pinch of grass last night)

(and i’m running low on guitar strings AGAIN)

(i broke a D string last night and didn’t have a spare)
(but rather than pack it in, i used a low E string and tuned it to a low D)
(giving the guitar more bass resonance)
(despite the deleterious effect it probably had on overall tuning accuracy)

(nailed my 3 songs for the day)

(but i was too tired to go out busking today)
(and out of money)
(i slept for a good chunk of the day and night)
(and had some vivid dreams)

(involving a house party at the hannons)
(except it seemed to take place at the pirigyi house)