*'adalbert' of 'babenberg'*

*c. ‘854’ – ‘9 september 906’*


*”adalbert of babenberg” was a member of the frankish house of ‘babenberg’*


(he was the son of ‘Margrave Henry I’ of ‘Babenberg’ and either ‘Ingeltrude’ or ‘Judith’ of ‘Friuli’)

(‘Graf Adalbert’ was one of the most important representatives during the ‘Babenberg’ feud, a quarrel between the ‘Babenbergs’ / ‘conradine’ families)

(his sister ‘Hedwiga’ was married to ‘Otto I’ of ‘Saxony’)

(on 27 February 906 an army led by ‘Adalbert’ attacked the ‘conradines’ near ‘Fritzlar’)

(during the fight ‘Conrad the Elder’ was killed)

(after Adalbert had withdrawn to ‘Castle Theres’ he was besieged by the royal army)

(the king’s envoy, archbishop of ‘Mainz’ and chancellor ‘Hatto I’, promised him a safe conduct)

(however, when ‘adalbert’ left the castle he was ‘taken prisoner’, ‘convicted’, and ‘beheaded’)

(after that the ‘babenbergs’ lost all their offices and possessions in the ‘duchy of franconia’)






👈👈👈☜*“FRANKISH LEADERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥