



*AKA* –>




‘hormone’ / ‘neurotransmitter’ / ‘medication’


(‘epinephrine’ is normally produced by both the ‘adrenal glands’ and certain ‘neurons’)

(it plays an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, output of the heart, pupil dilation, and ‘blood sugar’)

(it does this by binding to ‘alpha’ + ‘beta’ receptors)

(it is found in many ‘animals’ + some ‘single cell organisms’)

(‘napoleon cybulski’ first isolated ‘epinephrine’ in ‘1895’)

(as a medication it is used to treat a number of conditions including ‘anaphylaxis’, ‘cardiac arrest’, and ‘superficial bleeding’)

(‘inhaled epinephrine’ may be used to improve the symptoms of ‘croup’)

(it may also be used for ‘asthma’ when other treatments are not effective)

(it is given intravenously, by ‘injection into a muscle’, by ‘inhalation’, or by ‘injection just under the skin’)

(common side effects include ‘shakiness’, ‘anxiety’, and ‘sweating’)

(a ‘fast heart rate’ + ‘high blood pressure’ may occur)

(occasionally it may result in an ‘abnormal heart rhythm’)

(while the safety of its use during ‘pregnancy’ + ‘breastfeeding’ is unclear, the benefits to the mother must be taken into account)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥