“Ælfwald I of Northumbria”

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(“Ælfwald” (died 23 September 788) was king of ‘Northumbria’ from 779 to 788)

(he is thought to have been a son of Oswulf, and thus a grandson of ‘Eadberht Eating’)

(Ælfwald became king after Æthelred son of Æthelwald Moll was deposed in 778)

(he was murdered, probably at Chesters, by ealdorman Sicga on 23 September 788)

(he was buried at Hexham Abbey where he was considered a saint)

(‘Ælfwald’ was succeeded by his first cousin ‘Osred’ (son of ‘Alhred’) and ‘Osgifu’ (daughter of ‘Eadberht Eating’))

(Ælfwald’s sons Ælf and Ælfwine were killed in 791 on the orders of “King Æthelred”)