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(the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) (Armenian: Հայաստանի Ազատագրութեան Հայ Գաղտնի Բանակ, ՀԱՀԳԲ, Hayasdani Azadakrut’ean Hay Kaghtni Panag, HAHKP) was an Armenian militant organization, that operated from 1975 to the early 1990s)

(it was described as a ‘terrorist organization’ by some sources, and as a ‘guerrilla’ and ‘armed’ organization by others)

(ASALA was listed as a ‘terrorist organization’ by the United States in the 1980s)

(ASALA attacks and assassinations resulted in the deaths of 46 people and 299 injured)

(the stated intention of ASALA was “to compel the ‘Turkish Government’ to acknowledge publicly its responsibility for the ‘Armenian Genocide’ in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an ‘armenian homeland'”)

(the principal goal of ASALA was to reestablish historical ‘Armenia’ that would include ‘eastern turkey’ and ‘Soviet Armenia’)

(the territory to be ceded would be the area promised to the Armenians at the never-ratified ‘Treaty of Sèvres’ in 1920 by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, “Wilsonian Armenia”)

(the group received considerable clandestine support from ‘armenian diaspora’ in ‘Europe’ and in the ‘United States’)

1 OCTOBER 1983:

(1 man is killed and 26 people injured when multiple bombs destroyed the ‘american’, ‘soviet’, and ‘algerian’ pavilions at an international trade fair in ‘Marseilles’ (france))

(‘ASALA’ took responsibility for the attack)

(suffering from internal schisms, the group was relatively inactive in the 1990s, although in 1991 it claimed an unsuccessful attack on the Turkish ambassador to ‘Hungary’)

(the organization has not engaged in militant activity since then)

(the group’s mottos were “the armed struggle and right political line are the way to Armenia” and “Viva the revolutionary solidarity of oppressed people!”)