*ashikaga yoshimitsu*

Yoshimitsu Ashikaga cropped.jpg


(足利 義満)

(’25 september 1358′ – ’31 may 1408′)


(“ashikaga yoshimitsu” was the 3rd shogun of the ‘ashikaga shogunate’, who was in power from ‘1368’ to ‘1394’ during the ‘muromachi period’ of ‘japan’)

(‘yoshimitsu’ was ashikaga yoshiakira’s third son and the oldest son who survived)

(his childhood name was ‘haruo’ (春王))

(‘yoshimitsu’ was appointed ‘shogun’ (‘hereditary head’ of the ‘military estate’) in ‘1368’ at the age of 10; at 20 he was admitted to the ‘imperial court’ as ‘acting grand counselor’ (gon dainagon 権大納言))

(in ‘1379’, ‘yoshimitsu’ reorganized the institutional framework of the ‘gozan zen’ 五山禅 establishment before, 2 years later, becoming the first person of ‘warrior pedigree’ to host a ‘reigning emperor’ at his ‘private residence’)

(in 1392, he negotiated the end of the ‘nanboku-chō imperial schism’ that had plagued ‘politics’ for over ‘half a century’)

(2 years later he became “grand chancellor of state” (dajō daijin 太政大臣), the ‘highest-ranking member’ of the ‘imperial court’)

(retiring from that and all ‘public offices’ in ‘1395’, ‘yoshimitsu’ took the ‘tonsure’ and moved into his ‘kitayama-dono’ (北山殿) retirement villa which, among other things, boasted a ‘pavilion’ covered in ‘gold leaf’ (kinkaku shariden 金閣舎利殿))

(there, he received ‘envoys’ from the ‘ming’ and ‘joseon’ courts on at least 6 occasions and forged the terms of a ‘sino-japanese trade agreement’ that endured for over a ‘century’)

(in recognition for his ‘diplomatic efforts’ (and ‘overt displays of subservience’), the chinese sovereign pronounced ‘yoshimitsu’ “King of Japan” (nihon kokuō 日本国王))

(in ‘1407’, he set into motion a plan to become “dajō tenno” (太上天皇), a ‘title’ customarily applied to a ‘retired emperor’)

(although unrealized due to his sudden death the following year, this last venture was particularly ‘audacious’ because ‘yoshimitsu’ never actually sat on the ‘japanese throne’)

(his ‘buddhist name’ was ‘rokuon’in’ (鹿苑院))















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥