“bronwyn bishop”

“bronwyn kathleen bishop”

*the living*
(born ’19 actober 1942′)

“39th speaker of the ‘australian house of representatives”
(’12 november 2013′ – ‘2 august 2015’)


(“bronwyn kathleen bishop” (née setright; born ’19 october 1942′) is a former australian politician who was the ’29th speaker of the house of representatives’, holding the office between ’12 november 2013′ and ‘2 august 2015’)

(‘bishop’ served as a member of the ‘australian house of representatives’ for the ‘liberal party’, representing the division of ‘mackellar’ in ‘new south wales’ from ‘1994’ to ‘2016’)

(earlier, between ‘1987’ and ‘1994’, she represented ‘new south wales’ in the ‘senate’)

(‘bishop’ held portfolios in the ‘outer ministry’ during the first 2 terms of the ‘howard government’, serving as ‘minister for ‘defense industry’, ‘science’ and ‘personnel” from ‘1996’ to ‘1998’ and as ‘minister for ‘aged care” from ‘1998’ to ‘2001’)

(in ‘october 2014’, she surpassed kathy sullivan’s record for the longest period of ‘parliamentary service’ by a ‘woman’)

(from ‘july 2015’, ‘bishop’ was subject to sustained intense media and public scrutiny regarding her use of ‘parliamentary entitlements’, including a ‘helicopter charter’ to a ‘party fundraiser’ during her time as ‘speaker’)

(although prime minister ‘tony abbott’ had originally been one of her strongest allies, she eventually lost his support, resigning from the ‘speakership’ and moving to the backbench on ‘august 2nd’ to be replaced as speaker by ‘tony smith’)

(on ’16 april 2016′, ‘bishop’ was defeated by ‘jason falinski’ in a ‘liberal party’ preselection ballot (51 votes to 39) for the division of ‘mackellar’ at the ‘2016 federal election’)


