“canaanite languages”







‘language’ vs ‘dialect’


(the canaanite languages or canaanite dialects are 1 of the 2 subgroups of the ‘northwest semitic’ languages, the other being the ‘aramaic’ language)


(they were spoken by the ancient peoples of the canaan’ region, the ‘canaanites’, broadly defined to include…)








(all of them seem to have become ‘extinct’ as ‘native languages’ by the early 1st millennium CE, although distinct forms of ‘hebrew’ remained in continuous ‘literary’ + ‘religious’ use among ‘jews’ + ‘samaritans’, and ‘punic’ remained in use in the ‘mediterranean’)

(this family of languages has the distinction of being the first group of languages to use an ‘alphabet’ (derived from the ‘proto-canaanite alphabet’) to record their writings)

(the primary reference for extra-biblical ‘canaanite’ inscriptions (together with ‘aramaic’ inscriptions) is the german-language book “kanaanäische und aramäische inschriften”, from which inscriptions are often referenced as KAI n (for a number n))















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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