“central semitic languages”





(the central semitic languages are a ‘proposed intermediate group’ (by whom? to who?) of ‘semitic languages’, comprising the ‘late iron age’, modern dialect of ‘arabic’ (prior to which ‘arabic’ was a ‘southern semitic language’), and older ‘bronze age’ ‘northwest semitic languages’ (which include ‘aramaic’, ‘ugaritic’, and the ‘canaanite languages’ of ‘hebrew’ and ‘phoenician’))


(in this reckoning, ‘central semitic’ itself is 1 of 3 ‘divisions’ of ‘semitic’ along with ‘east semitic’ (‘akkadian’) and ‘south semitic’ (‘south arabian’ and the ‘ethiopian semitic’ languages))


distinctive features of ‘central semitic languages’ include the following –>

(the realization of the common semitic ’emphatic consonants’ as ‘pharyngealized’ (rather than ‘ejectives’))

(for example, ‘proto-semitic’ *ṭ [tʼ] and *ṣ [tsʼ]are realized as[tˤ] and [sˤ]in ‘arabic’ and ‘neo-aramaic’…)
(…in contrast to remaining ‘ejectives’ in ‘south arabian’ and in ‘ethiopian semitic’)

(additionally, ‘proto-semitic’ *ḳ [kʼ] becomes a ‘uvular stop’ [q]‘)


(an innovative ‘negation marker’ (*bal) (of uncertain origin))


(the ‘generalization’ of t as the ‘suffix conjugation ‘past tense marker”, leveling an earlier alternation between *k in the ‘1st person’ and *t in the ‘2nd person’)


(a new ‘prefix conjugation‘ for the ‘non-past tense’ (of the form ya-qtulu’), replacing the inherited ya-qattal form (they are ‘schematic verbal forms’, as if derived from an example triconsonantal root q-t-l)


(‘leveling’ of ‘vowels’ in ‘verb prefixes’)

the evidence of ‘akkadian’ suggests 4 ‘proto-semitic prefixes’ –>

(*ʔa-  /  *ta-  /  *ni-  /  *yi-‘)

(in‘ central semitic’, all ‘prefixes’have the same ‘vowel’ within a given ‘verb paradigm’)

(it, however, developed slightly differently for ‘different languages’:

‘arabic’ has generalized ‘a’ in all ‘prefixes’,

(…while northwest semitic’ has generalized either ‘a’ or i, *depending on the ‘verb stem’ in question)


(different ‘classification systems’ disagree on the ‘precise structure’ of the ‘group’…)

(the most common approach divides the ‘central semitic languages’ into 2 categories) –>


‘northwest semitic’

(although ‘SIL ethnologue’ divides ‘central semitic languages’ into 2 different categories) –>

‘south central semitic’
(including ‘arabic’ and ‘hebrew’)



(the main distinction between ‘arabic’ and the ‘northwest semitic’ languages is the presence of ‘broken plurals’ in the former)

(the majority of ‘arabic nouns’ (apart from ‘participles’) form ‘plurals’ in this manner, whereas virtually all ‘nouns’ in the ‘northwest semitic languages’ form their ‘plurals’ with a ‘suffix’)


(for example, the arabic بيت bayt(“house”) becomes بيوت buyūt (“houses”); the hebrew בית bayit (“house”) becomes בתים battīm (“houses”))


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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