






*’contraceptive device’ with purpose of preventing ‘semen’ from entering ‘vagina’*


i remember discovering condoms while snooping around in the old man’s dresser drawer as a child…

(brand latex condoms)

during my first romp with emma in december 2010, i initially used a condom but it kept falling off (due to my relative lack of experience)…

so she let me fuck her raw (or at least try my best)…

the following night, i had a romp with samara…

she had a condom for me…

again, it kept falling off due to my relative lack of experience…

so she again let me fuck her raw (or at least try my best)…

she was on the “pill”…

after that, i never again used a condom when emma and i made love…

she was on the “ring”…

(a monthly form of birth control in which a doctor inserts a device into a woman’s vagina)…

the first time i ever successfully used a condom was while (ironically enough) fucking a stripper in june 2011…

i believe i went through two condoms during the hour-long session…


*best condoms* –>

“crown skinless skin condoms”
(although the name seems a bit goofy)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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