daddy issues

and who knows how many daughters were molested by their fathers?

‘unwanted nightly visits’. and why do none of them ever speak up until decades later when the pervert’s already enjoyed several years of perverted kicks? are the little girls really that easily manipulated, even if they had been trained to listen to adults? do they have any kind of internal radar independent of the influence of the community elders? by the time i was 4 years old, i distrusted all authority. if god himself came down and tried fondling my balls, i’d tell him to fuck off and summon a local policeman. but i suspect girls are conditioned to enjoy these types of patriarchal encounters. or it could be hardwired into female DNA. a genetic ‘stockholm syndrome’, if you will. these types usually end up to be nymphomaniacs (except when it comes to “nice guys” their own age of course)…

(the age-old complaint)
