"darius 1"

Darius the great. jpg.jpg


(Old Persian: Dārayava(h)uš, New Persian: داریوش Dāryuš ; c. 550–486 BCE)


*”darius I” was the 3rd king of the ‘persian achaemenid empire’*


(also called Darius the Great, he ruled the empire at its peak, when it included…)

much of West Asia,

the Caucasus,

parts of the Balkans
(Thrace-Macedonia and Paeonia),

most of the Black Sea coastal regions,

parts of the North Caucasus, Central Asia, as far as the Indus Valley in the far east,

and portions of north and northeast Africa
(including Egypt (Mudrâya), eastern Libya, and coastal ‘Sudan’)



‘darius 1’

of persia kills the magian usurper ‘gaumata’, securing his hold as king of the ‘persian empire’)

(‘darius’ ascended the throne by overthrowing ‘gaumata’, the alleged magus usurper of ‘bardiya’ with the assistance of 6 other ‘persian’ noble families; ‘darius’ was crowned the following morning)

(the new king met with rebellions throughout his kingdom and quelled them each time)

(a major event in Darius’s life was his expedition to punish Athens and Eretria for their aid in the Ionian Revolt, and subjugate Greece)

(although ultimately ending in failure at the ‘Battle of Marathon’, Darius succeeded in the re-subjugation of Thrace, expansion of the empire through the conquest of Macedon, the Cyclades, and the island of Naxos, and the sacking of the city of ‘eretria’)

(‘darius’ organized the empire by dividing it into provinces and placing satraps to govern it)

(he organized a new uniform monetary system, along with making ‘aramaic’ the official language of the empire)

(he also put the empire in better standing by building roads and introducing standard weights and measures)

(through these changes the empire was centralized and unified)

(‘darius’ also worked on construction projects throughout the empire, focusing on Susa, Pasargadae, Persepolis, Babylon, and ‘egypt’)

(he had the cliff-face ‘behistun inscription’ carved to record his conquests, an important testimony of the ‘old persian’ language)

(‘darius’ is mentioned in the biblical books of Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, and ‘ezra–nehemiah’)


(based on historical demographic estimates, ‘darius I’ ruled over approximately 50 million people, or at least 44% of the world’s population)









👈👈👈 ☜ *“BARDIYA”*


*“XERXES 1”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥