"dark lager"


-as of [14 FEBRUARY 2024]





*there are also dark lagers, such as ‘dunkel’ + ‘schwarzbier’*


*’lagers’ would likely have been mainly dark until the 1840s*


pale lagers were not common until the later part of the 19th century when technological advances made them easier to produce

Dark lagers typically range in colour from amber to dark reddish brown, and may be termed Vienna, amber lager, dunkel, tmavé, or schwarzbier depending on



or brewing method


Tmavé is Czech for “dark”, so is the term for a dark beer in the Czech Republic – beers which are so dark as to be black are termed černé pivo, “black beer”.

Dunkel is German for “dark”, so is the term for a dark beer in Germany.

With alcohol concentrations of 4.5% to 6% by volume, dunkels are weaker than Doppelbocks, another traditional dark Bavarian beer.

Dunkels were the original style of the Bavarian villages and countryside.

Schwarzbier, a much darker, almost black beer with a chocolate or liquorice-like flavour, similar to stout, is mainly brewed in Saxony and Thuringia


(in 2010 brewer ‘diageo’ – which is part made up of the irish brewer ‘guinness’ – released their own “guinness black lager” brand)








👈👈👈☜*-LAGER-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥