
(“diadumenian” (Latin: Marcus Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus Augustus) (September 14/19, 208 – 218), was the son of the Roman Emperor ‘Macrinus’, and served his father briefly as ‘Caesar’ (May 217–218) and as ‘Augustus’ (in 218))

(he was so named due to being born with a caul that formed a ‘diadem’)

Diadumenian was born on 14 September 208 or, according to Historia Augusta, on September 19 because he shared the same birthday with the Emperor Antoninus Pius.

(his mother was Empress Nonia Celsa, although little is known of her: she is only mentioned by the “Historia Augusta”)

(he was born Marcus Opellius Diadumenianus, but his name was changed and added Antoninus to solidify connection to the family of Marcus Aurelius as done by ‘Caracalla’)

(‘diadumenian’ had little time to enjoy his position or to learn anything from its opportunities because the legions of Syria revolted and declared Elagabalus ruler of the ‘Roman Empire’)

(when Macrinus was defeated on 8 June 218, at Antioch, Diadumenian’s death followed his father’s)