"fasting journals"

(i was first required to fast as a ‘pop warner football’ player at ‘age 11’)

(i was 91.5 pounds at the weigh-in)

(and i was playing in the younger division with a 90-pound upper weight limit)

(i was proud to be overweight then)

(i eventually lost the weight with a mild reduction in food intake that evening)

(i rarely cut weight as a wrestler)

(i remember not making the 135-pound weigh-in at end-of-season tournament during my freshman year)

(i was relieved to be finished with the season then)
(for the next three years i was consistently light for my weight division)

(at age 12 i insisted on fasting during certain christian holidays during a brief period of piety)

(primarily ‘ash wednesday’ + ‘good friday’)

(although children aren’t “required” to fast)

(i fasted along with my parents)

(and then went with my old man to the diner the following morning)

(though we both weren’t especially hungry)

(after being baptized jesus christ fasted in the desert for 40 days)

(detailed in gospels of matthew mark luke)

(satan tried in vain to tempt jesus)

(ash wednesday is 46 days before easter)

(beginning of lent)

(40 days of fasting)

(the 6 sundays are not fasting days)

(they are considered a commemoration of christ’s resurrection)

ash wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes made from palm branches blessed on the previous year’s Palm Sunday, and placing them on the heads of participants to the accompaniment of the words “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”

(fasting is also required on good friday)

(catholics between 18 and 59 are allowed one full meal)

(supplemented by two smaller meals)

(which together should not equal the full meal)

(also abstinence from meat)

(aka mammals and fowl)

(as are all fridays during lent)

(in early 2012 i went for several days without food)

(mostly because i was drinking heavily)

(and i wanted to prolong my buzzes to maximize stoned productivity)

(the same principle applied to all intoxicants)

(most notably dope)

(i also aimed to take all drugs on an empty stomach)

(so as to maximize their effects)

(most notably with DXM)

(and i wanted to minimize the time spent taking shits)

(and having subsequent skid marks)

(and stinking up the workspace with farts + shits)

(when i first moved down to the family shorehouse in april 2006 i  learned what it felt like to be short on food)

(i was without my old man’s credit card for the first time in my life)

(and i would routinely overdraw my bank account)

(and i was only making a sporadic income at ‘bally total fitness’)

(so my parents would occasionally visit the shorehouse and bring me food)

(otherwise i would do some budget grocery shopping)

(i’ve also been hungry during periods of childhood where i could not obtain my own food at will)

(because i was never a farmer)

(nor a chef)

(nor a purchaser of foods)

(because i was too young to drive)

(so i was dependent on my parents to buy me the food i wanted)

(and then i would also be restricted in my dietary habits during school hours)

(and during participation in athletic competitions + practice)

(and then i couldn’t eat at will when i joined the ‘work force’)



👈👈👈☜*“FASTING”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥