
(celebrating ‘birth’ of ‘self’)


(celebrating ‘birth’ of ‘christ;)
(or rather, “kriyst”)






(i hate “gift cards”)

(from an economic standpoint, gift cards are wholly irrational)

a definitive loss on the gift-giver’s “investment” (assuming that the gift-giver measures his “value” of the gift by the added utility it grants the gift-receiver)…

in this case, the gift-giver makes a monetary investment with currency that can be applied to most any purchase (by the gift-receiver) in exchange for a (numerically identical) currency that can be applied to a markedly more limited range of purchases…

and therefore i discourage all potential gift-givers from giving me gift cards…

nick crowley first turned me onto the notion of selling a gift card for cash…

on christmas 2012, we both received a $100 apple gift card from our grandma skip…

he immediately sold his card on ebay for $90…

from now on, i’ll sell my gift cards @ www.cardpool.com

i’m looking for the highest percentage of value retained, the ability to electronically enter the card information (as opposed to mailing in the card), the quickest means of delivering the funds, and a direct deposit to my bank account…

i’m tempted to go to the apple store and sell my gift card to someone who is planning on an apple store purchase for an amount greater than $26.17.  but this is an awkward task to pull off. 

i’m sure the apple store frowns upon this practice (although it is really no skin off the average employee’s back). 

first i’ll have to verify to the potential buyer that there is actually $26.17 on the card. 

either i call up (or have them call up) the apple hotline or i approach an employee to check the card balance. 

or i just give them the card for their purchase and trust them to pay me afterwards. 

and how much should i ask for in return? 

$20 seems reasonable to me. 

then i could afford booze and tobacco for a night (or two)…

now cheryl gives me gift cards for food stores (ostensibly to ensure that i don’t spend the money on booze)…

probably the same theory behind EBT cards…still i spend my EBT card on energy drinks and junk food…

and i spend my dunkin donuts + bon apetit gift cards on caffeine…

whatever happened to the art of bartering?  last night i was desperate for tobacco. 

a (half) black ‘n mild cost $1.25 at the motel front desk. 

they raised the price by 50 cents after i started peeling off the dimes from my acoustic guitar to purchase them. 

they were probably pissed that i was smoking in the room. 

i offered a cigar-cutter / 6 packs of gum / box of girl scout cookies for 1 black n mild! 

they didn’t budge (and neither did the gas station attendants).

(foreigners can be so cruel)

why should i expect something for nothing?

(why should i expect to receive gifts when i don’t give gifts?)

(birth of self)

(birth of christ)

i hate “gift cards”…

from an economic standpoint, gift cards are wholly irrational…

a definitive loss on the gift-giver’s “investment” (assuming that the gift-giver measures his “value” of the gift by the added utility it grants the gift-receiver)…

in this case, the gift-giver makes a monetary investment with currency that can be applied to most any purchase (by the gift-receiver) in exchange for a (numerically identical) currency that can be applied to a markedly more limited range of purchases…

and therefore i discourage all potential gift-givers from giving me gift cards…

nick crowley first turned me onto the notion of selling a gift card for cash…

on christmas 2012, we both received a $100 apple gift card from our grandma skip…

he immediately sold his card on ebay for $90…

from now on, i’ll sell my gift cards @ “cardpool.com”

i’m looking for the highest percentage of value retained, the ability to electronically enter the card information (as opposed to mailing in the card), the quickest means of delivering the funds, and a direct deposit to my bank account…

(i’m tempted to go to the apple store and sell my gift card to someone who is planning on an apple store purchase for an amount greater than $26.17)

but this is an awkward task to pull off. 

i’m sure the apple store frowns upon this practice (although it is really no skin off the average employee’s back). 

first i’ll have to verify to the potential buyer that there is actually $26.17 on the card. 

either i call up (or have them call up) the apple hotline or i approach an employee to check the card balance. 

or i just give them the card for their purchase and trust them to pay me afterwards. 

and how much should i ask for in return? 

$20 seems reasonable to me. 

then i could afford booze and tobacco for a night (or two)…
(“what a degenerate scumbag!”)no

(this general human collective reaction to my ‘consumer priorities’)
(unless of course i efll down on both knees and admitted to being an ‘addict’)

(i always thought i had it worse than an other ‘recovering addict’)
(as judging from their stories, they always had enough money to cop a decent buzz anytime they so choosed)

now cheryl gives me gift cards for food stores (ostensibly to ensure that i don’t spend the money on booze)…

probably the same theory behind EBT cards…

still i spend my EBT card on energy drinks and junk food…

and i spend my dunkin donuts + bon apetit gift cards on caffeine…

whatever happened to the art of bartering? 

last night i was desperate for tobacco. 

a (half) black ‘n mild cost $1.25 at the motel front desk. 

they raised the price by 50 cents after i started peeling off the dimes from my acoustic guitar to purchase them. 

they were probably pissed that i was smoking in the room. 

i offered a cigar-cutter / 6 packs of gum / box of girl scout cookies for 1 black n mild! 

they didn’t budge (and neither did the gas station attendants). 

foreigners can be so cruel…
(a ‘lesser man’ than ‘i’ would have probably resorted to ‘xenophobia’ at that point)

(just as many people have a revolting tendency to spout of ‘racial slurs’ whenever they have a dispute with an individual of another race)

(especially when the ‘minority / foreigner / outsider’ has some power over them in the particular exchange)

(thnk ‘poor whites’ vs ‘newly freed black slaves’ in the ‘american south’)


‘power to refuse”)
(usually triggers an ‘o CMON” as a last resort for the beggar in question)
(‘power’ implying that if the ‘requesting party’ is properly protected by law)
(which is often not the case)

(i consider ‘racial slurs’ to be a less offensive insult than calling someone a ‘loser’ / ‘faillure’ / ‘creep’)

(‘racial slur’ can be either ‘more’ or ‘less’ hurtful based on the fact tat one cannot ‘change’ his/her race)

(or ‘gender’ in most cases)
(unless we rseort to ‘gender spectrum’)
(which i support)
(at least cumulative ‘binary approximations)
(as ‘cumulative’ as possible)
(in thatcase we need to consider ‘spsctrums’ for both ‘masculine” _ ‘feminine’ qualities)

(and proably either change the ‘sex category names”)

(or change the names of each ‘bological sex’)
(which (for now at least_ is a ‘binary’ characteristic)

(note than women are only referred to as ‘losers’ in a playful friendly tone)
(as in rachel mcadams (as ’emma black’) calls ou to “lindsay lohan”)

(in that case

(‘power to refuse”)
(use triggers an ‘o CMON” as a last resort for the beggar in question)

why should i expect something for nothing?

why should i expect to receive gifts when i don’t give gifts?






👈👈👈☜*“PHILANTHROPY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥