(“creation of ‘adam’”)
(fresco painting)
(painted between 1508 – 1512)
(“the sistine chapel”)
*as of ‘16 OCTOBER 2023’*
*in mono-theism + heno-theism, “god” is conceived of as the “supreme being” and principal object of ‘faith’*
(the concept of “god” as described by ‘theologians’ commonly includes the attributes of ‘omniscience’ (aka ‘infinite knowledge’), ‘omnipotence’ (aka ‘unlimited power’), ‘omnipresence’ (aka ‘present everywhere’), ”omnibenevolence’ (aka ‘perfect goodness’), ‘divine simplicity’, and ‘eternal’ + ‘necessary’ existence)
(“god” is also usually defined as a ‘non-corporeal being’ without any ‘human biological gender’, but the concept of “god” actively creating the ‘universe’ has caused some religions to give “him” the metaphorical name of “father”)
(because ‘god’ is conceived as not being a ‘corporeal being’, ‘god’ cannot (some say should not) be portrayed in a ‘literal visual image’; some ‘religious groups’ use a ‘man’ to symbolize ‘god’ because of his deed of creating man’s mind in the image of “his” own)
(in ‘theism’, ‘god’ is the ‘creator’ and ‘sustainer’ of the ‘universe’, while in ‘deism’, ‘god’ is the ‘creator’, but not the ‘sustainer’, of the ‘universe’)
(‘monotheism’ is the belief in the existence of one ‘god’ or in the oneness of “god”)
(in “pantheism”, “god” is the universe itself)
(in “atheism”, ‘god’ does not exist, while ‘god’ is deemed ‘unknown’ or ‘unknowable’ within the context of “agnosticism”)
(“god” has also been conceived as being ‘incorporeal’ (aka ‘immaterial’), a ‘personal being’, the ‘source of all moral obligation’, and the “greatest conceivable existent”)
(many notable ‘philosophers’ have developed arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ the ‘existence’ of ‘god’)
(there are many names for ‘god’, and different names are attached to different ‘cultural ideas’ about god’s ‘identity’ and ‘attributes’)
(in the ancient egyptian era of ‘atenism’ (possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion), this ‘deity’ was called ‘aten’, premised on being the 1 “true” ‘supreme being’ and ‘creator of the universe’)
(in the ‘hebrew bible’ and ‘judaism’, “he who is”, “i am that i am” (ha!), and the tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’ are used as names of ‘god’, while ‘yahweh’ and ‘jehovah’ are sometimes used in ‘christianity’ as vocalizations of ‘YHWH’)
(in the christian doctrine of the ‘trinity’, ‘god’, consubstantial in 3 persons, is called the ‘father’, the ‘son’, and the ‘holy spirit’)
(in ‘judaism’, it is common to refer to ‘god’ by the titular names ‘elohim’ or ‘adonai’, the latter of which is believed by some scholars to descend from the egyptian “aten”)
(in ‘islam’, the name ‘allah’, “Al-El”, or “Al-Elah” (“the god”) is used, while ‘muslims’ also have a multitude of titular names for ‘god’)
(in ‘hinduism’, ‘brahman’ is often considered a ‘monistic deity’)
(other religions have names for ‘god’, for instance, ‘baha’ in the ‘bahá’í faith’, ‘waheguru’ in ‘sikhism’, and ‘ahura mazda’ in “zoroastrianism”)
(the many different ‘conceptions’ of “god”, and ‘competing claims’ as to god’s ‘characteristics’, ‘aims’, and ‘actions’, have led to the development of ideas of ‘omnitheism’, ‘pandeism’, or a ‘perennial philosophy’, which postulates that there is 1 underlying theological truth, of which all religions express a ‘partial understanding’, and as to which “the devout in the various great world religions are in fact worshipping that 1 god, but through different, overlapping ‘concepts’ or ‘mental images’ of him”)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥