*the hebrew language*





“the language of the jews”




Ivrit [ʔivˈʁit] or [ʕivˈɾit] 


(‘hebrew’ is a language native to ‘israel’, spoken by over 9 million people worldwide, of which over 5 million speakers in ‘israel’)

(historically, it is regarded as the language of the ‘israelites’ and their ancestors, although the language was not referred to by the name ‘hebrew’ in the ‘tanakh’)

(the earliest examples of written ‘paleo-hebrew’ date from the 10th century BCE)

(‘Hebrew’ belongs to the ‘West Semitic’ branch of the ‘Afroasiatic’ language family)

(‘Hebrew’ had ceased to be an everyday spoken language somewhere between 200 and 400 CE, declining since the aftermath of the ‘Bar Kokhba revolt’)

(‘Aramaic’ and to a lesser extent ‘Greek’ were already in use as ‘international languages’, especially among ‘elites’ and ‘immigrants’)

(it survived into the ‘medieval period’ as the language of ‘Jewish liturgy’, ‘rabbinic literature’, ‘intra-Jewish commerce’, and ‘poetry’)

(then, in the 19th century, it was revived as a spoken and literary language, and, according to ‘Ethnologue’, had become, as of 1998, the language of 5 million people worldwide)

(after ‘Israel’, the ‘United States’ has the 2nd largest ‘Hebrew’ speaking population, with 220,000 fluent speakers, mostly from ‘Israel’)

(what % of ‘jews’ can speak ‘hebrew’?)
(they all learn during their bar mitzvahs)
(what % of jews even HAVE ‘bar mitzvahs’?)
(seventh grade routine)
(lepel’s bar mitzvah)
(kim dancing with him)
(we had just started dating at the time)

(‘Modern Hebrew’ is one of the two official languages of the ‘State of Israel’ (the other being ‘Modern Standard Arabic’), while ‘premodern Hebrew’ is used for prayer or study in Jewish communities around the world today)

(‘Ancient Hebrew’ is also the liturgical tongue of the ‘Samaritans’, while ‘modern Hebrew’ or ‘Arabic’ is their ‘vernacular’)

(as a foreign language, it is studied mostly by Jews and students of ‘Judaism’ and ‘Israel’, and by ‘archaeologists’ and ‘linguists’ specializing in the ‘Middle East’ and its ‘civilizations’, as well as by ‘theologians’ in Christian seminaries)

(the ‘torah’ (the first 5 books), and most of the rest of the ‘Hebrew Bible’, is written in ‘Biblical Hebrew’, with much of its present form specifically in the dialect that scholars believe flourished around the 6th century BCE, around the time of the ‘babylonian captivity’)


(for this reason, ‘hebrew’ has been referred to by jews as leshon hakodesh (לשון הקדש), “the holy language”, since ancient times)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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