





*amino acid’ / ‘protein’ derivatives*



(from the ‘greek participle’ –> “ὁρμῶν”)
(“setting in motion”)



*a hormone is any member of a class of ‘signaling molecules’ produced by ‘glands’ in ‘multicellular organisms’ that are transported by the ‘circulatory system’ to target ‘distant organs’ to regulate ‘physiology’ + ‘behavior’*


(‘hormones’ have diverse ‘chemical structures’, mainly of 3 classes…)





‘amino acid’ / ‘protein’ derivatives
(or ‘amines’ / ‘peptides’ / ‘proteins’)


(the ‘glands’ that secrete ‘hormones’ comprise the ‘endocrine signaling system’)

(the term ‘hormone’ is sometimes extended to include “‘chemicals’ produced by ‘cells’ that affect the same ‘cell'” (‘autocrine’ (or ‘intracrine’) signaling), or ‘nearby cells’ (aka ‘paracrine signaling’))

“…depending on whose side you’re on…”


(‘hormones’ are used to communicate between ‘organs’ and ’tissues’ for ‘physiological regulation’ and ‘behavioral activities’, such as…)




’tissue function’

‘sensory perception’





‘growth’ + ‘development’





(‘hormones’ affect ‘distant cells’ by binding to specific ‘receptor proteins’ in the ‘target cell’ resulting in a ‘change’ in ‘cell function’)

(when a ‘hormone’ binds to the ‘receptor’, it results in the ‘activation’ of a ‘signal transduction pathway’)

(this may lead to ‘cell type-specific responses’ that include ‘rapid non-genomic effects’ or ‘slower genomic responses’ where the ‘hormones’ acting through their ‘receptors’ activate ‘gene transcription’ resulting in ‘increased expression of ‘target proteins”)

(‘amino acid–based hormones’ (‘amines’ and ‘peptide’ or ‘protein’ hormones) are ‘water-soluble’ and act on the ‘surface’ of ‘target cells’ via ‘second messengers’)

(‘steroid hormones’ (being ‘lipid-soluble’) move through the ‘plasma membranes’ of ‘target cells’ (both ‘cytoplasmic’ + ‘nuclear’) to act within their ‘nuclei’)

(‘hormone secretion’ may occur in many ’tissues’)

(‘endocrine glands’ are the ‘cardinal example’, but ‘specialized cells’ in various other ‘organs’ also secrete ‘hormones’)

(‘hormone secretion’ occurs in response to specific ‘biochemical signals’ from a wide range of ‘regulatory systems’)

(for instance, ‘serum calcium concentration’ affects ‘parathyroid hormone synthesis’)

(‘blood sugar’ (aka ‘serum glucose concentration’) affects ‘insulin synthesis’)

(…and because the ‘outputs’ of the ‘stomach’ + ‘exocrine’ pancreas (the amounts of ‘gastric juice’ + ‘pancreatic juice’) become the ‘input’ of the ‘small intestine’, the ‘small intestine’ secretes ‘hormones’ to ‘stimulate’ or ‘inhibit’ the ‘stomach’ + ‘pancreas’ based on how ‘busy’ it is)

(regulation of ‘hormone synthesis’ of ‘gonadal hormones’, ‘adrenocortical hormones’, and ‘thyroid hormones’ is often dependent on ‘complex sets’ of ‘direct influence’ + ‘feedback’ interactions involving the ‘hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal’ (aka ‘HPA’), ‘-gonadal’ (aka ‘HPG’), and ‘-thyroid’ (aka ‘HPT’) axes)

(upon ‘secretion’, certain ‘hormones’ (including ‘protein hormones’ and ‘catecholamines’) are ‘water-soluble’ and are thus readily transported through the ‘circulatory system’)

(other ‘hormones’ (including ‘steroid’ + ‘thyroid’ hormones, are ‘lipid-soluble’)

(to allow for their ‘widespread distribution’, these ‘hormones’ must bond to ‘carrier plasma glycoproteins’ (e.g., ‘thyroxine-binding globulin’ (TBG) to form ‘ligand-protein complexes’))

(some ‘hormones’ are completely active when released into the ‘bloodstream’ (as is the case for ‘insulin’ + ‘growth hormones’), while others are ‘prohormones’ that must be ‘activated’ in ‘specific cells’ through a series of ‘activation steps’ that are commonly ‘highly regulated’)

(the ‘endocrine system’ secretes ‘hormones’ directly into the ‘bloodstream’ (typically into ‘fenestrated capillaries’)…)

(…whereas the ‘exocrine system’ secretes its hormones indirectly using ‘ducts’)


(‘hormones’ with ‘paracrine function’ diffuse through the ‘interstitial spaces’ to nearby ‘target tissue’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥