-hospital journals-

-as of [3 MARCH 2024]


*AUGUST 1984*


*overlook hospital*
(summit NJ)

(what time + date did cheryl lynn go to the hospital?)
(when did her “water” break?)


*MAY 2016*

(admitted myself to “princeton-plainsboro hospital”)

(after getting booted out of tess’s boonton pad)

(for blacking out)

(claimed i was suffering from alcohol withdrawal)
(i was really just homeless)
(and needed somewhere to crash)
(not having yet learned how to crash in princeton or NYC yet)

(took an uber from princeton public library at 6pm)
(told cheryl i was going there)
(she was just relieved i wouldn’t be out on the streets)

(spent the night there)
(got some free food)

(then they sent me to a detox center)
(the supervisor suspected i just needed a bed)
(and was pissed when i checked out early after 2 days)
(they recommended staying 3 days)
(then looking for homeless shelters)

JULY 2011:

skull fracture (right orbital)
(saint barnabas hospital)


*OCTOBER 2012*

i ended up blacking out on booze and waking up in the hospital.  

i suppose that after striking out with a few girls, i ended up passing out on the couch.  i feared that i’d done inadvertent damage to the owner’s home but it turns out that i merely fell asleep and “could not be revived” around 5am.

so apparently somebody called the police on me and they had me involuntarily admitted to a psych ward.  ambulance ride and all (i don’t remember any of this).  they diagnosed my blood alcohol content as “0.523 mg/dL”.  they wouldn’t let me leave until my blood alcohol content came down to “0.1 mg/dL” (it was their “legal responsibility”).  my guitar was taken to the local police station (this would soon become a pattern).  i became belligerent and demanded they let me leave.  they claimed that i’d be arrested if i left (even though mere public intoxication without disorderly conduct isn’t a crime in new jersey…unlike texas…unfortunately i didn’t know this yet).  they didn’t let me out until sometime after 8pm the next night.  even then, my level was still hovering around 0.135.  i never met the “doctor” in charge of my case but i suppose he sent the word to the nurse that i was free to go.  in the meantime, i got 3 free meals.  i’m sure there’ll be a bill in the mail (likely to the parental house whereby my mother will discover the entire ordeal).  i should really call up the hospital and make sure they send it to my princeton address (even though this will merely remind them of my unpaid bills…)

yesterday i drank too much (far more than my usual herculean doses).  i went through a pint of vodka and a good deal of the vodka i swiped from the house across the street (starting at around noon).  by around 3pm, i’d been just about as productive as i could be and i grew restless.  so i went back to the house across the street hoping for some action.  the gaybird (sitting on the couch with his fag hag) threatened to call the police.  that was a buzzkill.  i ended up stumbling back into the room and falling on my guitar amplifier (bruising my right hip in the process)…then i passed out for several hours…

i woke up sometime around 10:30pm and got two slices from pizza star (i guess they really do stay open until 11pm)…then i took a shower and decided to hit the town…i took a wrong turn right (before nassau street) and ended up walking up linden street.  i found a house party and walked inside.  i never met the owner of the house.  there, i drank more vodka and gin and smoked a lot of cigarettes.  the first chick i hit on had a boyfriend.  i didn’t have much luck after that.

upon leaving the plainboro hospital, i walked the 2.5 miles back to the house (along route 1 and up harrison street).  i have to go pick up my acoustic guitar at the princeton police station on monday morning (on 1 monument drive which is along nassau street).  they’ll probably arrest me upon arrival (the owner of the house will subsequently decide to press some sorta charges)…

i got a mysterious text message from a “908” number touting a restaurant (“core de roma trattoria”) in a new location (the south street of philadelphia)…

i still have some vodka so i’ll probably drink that before heading out for “halloween” (even though i have no costume)…

other than that, i’m just bracing myself for “hurricane sandy”…

february 2014:

land in the hospital after an alcohol binge

they load me up with drugs…

the old man and the brother refuse to pick me up…

john picks me up from the hospital…he tells me i owe him $50 for the taxi…

cheryl claims that i must’ve either had a seizure or been “combative” on monday night

(since they gave me ativan)

(but the cops actually picked me up from my bedroom)

the next night…

i end up falling out in the street when walking back to my place…again i’m picked up by the police and taken to the hospital…

cut my chin (requiring stitches)

did john the drunk fight me?

i have bruises on my right arm and a broken right jaw

5 february 2014:

i refuse all hospital drugs

i get in touch with cheryl…she requests that i go to rehab…i refuse…

the doctor lets me out of the hospital after my refusal…

they call me a AAA taxi…i end up underpaying him ($24) because i didn’t want my account overdrawn…he seemed fine with it…

i want the police reports from monday + tuesday night…although i fear they’ll arrest me for something i did when i blacked out…

1 may 2014:

admitted to university of hospital of princeton at plainsboro by ambulance after being struck by a car…

(released the following afternoon)

(diagnosed with punctured lung + broken ribs)

(given percocet + methadone)

(given prescription for percocet)

got struck by a car on the right side while crossing stockton road in princeton NJ…i was not at a crosswalk…

taken by ambulance to the emergency room at university hospital of princeton at plainsboro…i was given oxygen via the nostrils in the ambulance because i was having trouble breathing…i was given chest and back x-rays…i was also given a CT scan because there was blood in my urine…i had multiple fractured ribs on the right side and a bruised lung…i cancelled the A+B show and spent the night at the hospital…the next morning i had a lot of trouble walking…x-rays showed a right leg fracture above the knee…

i was given an incentive spirometer and told to suck into the tube every 10 minutes…i was supposed to keep the breath strength at a moderate level as indicated by a lower limit and upper limit arrow…i was told that this was an important way to keep the lung elevated and prevent pneumonia as i healed…the doctor told me that i should be able to get the spirometer reading up to 2000 but i could only manage less than 1000 max…

i requested painkillers…beginning at midnight, i was given 2 percocets every 4 hours…i am assuming they were of the weak “5-325″ variety…5mg of oxycodone / 325mg of acetaminophen…

(when i called the hospital to request a refill they would not provide one)

(i still think they haven’t sorted out my medicaid coverage)


left arm fracture

(overlook hospital)
(summit NJ)


*SUMMER 2016*

(blackout in princeton public library)
(DXM + vodka)
(ended up in ‘princeton-plainsboro hospital’)

(“no harm no foul”)

(the parents didn’t find out about this one)

(and i didn’t lose anything)

(and i didn’t get arrested)

(i was released the next day)

(i woke up thinking i was totally fucked)

(a black man asking me questions)

(again asking whether i wanted to go to rehab)

(i told him i lived in washington square park)

(i was really homeless in princeton)

(at that point i initially thought i had blacked out in WSP)

(they released me the night morning)

(after a nurse told me that they had my bags)

(and that i wasn’t in any trouble with the law)

(i was just given a warning by the library)

(because i was tripping on DXM during the day)

(then i went to buy a 40oz stella artois @ public ’round 6pm)

(ended up dropping that near hinds plaza)

(so i went back and bought a pint of vodka)

(just like in january 2012)

(when i dropped the jug of wine and opted for bacardi)

(i started pounding the vodka in the library)

(and hallucinating)

(met the black man to my right)

(started filming him to his chagrin)

(degrazia was also present)

(i wandered to the third floor)

(fuck!  that’s the children’s floor!)

(the second floor was under construction)

(and manny intervened)

(and worked his way into my hallucination)

(in my hallucination he was keeping me from tess)

(who i had also lost to a blackout)

(as with emma)

(the cops showed up but didn’t press charges)



👈👈👈☜*“HOSPITALS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥