-“indigenous australians” are the ‘aboriginal’ and ‘torres strait islander’ people of ‘australia’, descended from groups that existed in ‘australia’ and ‘surrounding islands’ prior to ‘british colonization’-
(the time of arrival of the first ‘indigenous australians’ is a matter of debate among ‘researchers’)
(the earliest definitely ‘human remains’ found in ‘australia’ are those of ‘mungo man LM3’ and ‘mungo lady,’ which have been dated to around 50,000 years BP)
(recent ‘archaeological evidence’ from the ‘analysis’ of ‘charcoal’ and artifacts revealing ‘human use’ has pushed this date back further to around ‘65,000 years BP’)
(‘luminescence dating’ has suggested habitation in ‘arnhem land’ as far back as ‘60,000 years BP’)
(‘genetic research’ has inferred a ‘date of habitation’ as early as ‘80,000 years BP’)
(other estimates have ranged up to ‘100,000 years’ and ‘125,000 years ago’)
(although there are a number of ‘commonalities’ between ‘indigenous aboriginal australians’, there is also a great diversity among different ‘indigenous communities’ and ‘indigenous societies’ in ‘australia’, each with its own mixture of ‘cultures’, ‘customs’, and ‘languages’)
(in ‘present-day australia’ these groups are further divided into ‘local communities’)
(at the time of initial ‘european settlement’, over ‘250 languages’ were spoken; it is currently estimated that ‘120’ to ‘145’ of these remain in use, but only ’13’ of these are not considered ‘endangered’)
(bad enough we’ve got ‘environmentalists’ crusading for ‘endangeerd species’)
(now we’ve gotta save all ‘languages’???)
(there’s probably some sort of ‘reason’ that any given language starts ‘dying’. remved form the threats faced by the existence of its ‘speakers’)
(it could’ve just been a ‘shitty language’)
(as in ‘inefficient’ / too needlessly ‘complicated’ / etc)
(then again, there may be 1 feature to the language that is worth saving or ‘incorporating’ into an ultimate ‘world language’)
(‘aboriginal people’ today mostly speak ‘english’, with aboriginal phrases + words being added to create ‘australian aboriginal english’ (which also has a tangible influence of ‘indigenous languages’ in the ‘phonology’ and ‘grammatical structure’)
(the population of ‘indigenous australians’ at the time of ‘permanent european settlement’ is contentious and has been estimated at between ‘318,000’ and ‘1,000,000’ with the ‘distribution’ being similar to that of the ‘current australian population’, the majority living in the ‘southeast’, centered along the ‘murray river’)
(a ‘population collapse’ following ‘european settlement’ and a ‘smallpox epidemic’ spreading 3 years after the arrival of ‘europeans’ may have caused a massive + early depopulation).
(‘reference similar episodes between ‘european settlers’ and ‘native americans’)
(since ‘1995’, the ‘australian aboriginal flag’ and the ‘torres strait islander flag’ have been among the ‘official flags’ of ‘australia’)
๐๐๐โ*-AUSTRALIA-* โ ๐๐๐
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๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ*we won the war* ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ