“indo-european languages”

















(the ‘indo-european languages’ are a family of several hundred related ‘languages’ + ‘dialects’)


(there are about 445 living ‘indo-european languages’, according to the estimate by ethnologue, with over 2/3 (313) of them belonging to the ‘indo-iranian branch’)


(the most widely spoken ‘indo-european languages’ by ‘native speakers are…)









*each language in the above list have (at least) ‘100 million speakers’*


(today, 46% of the ‘human population’ speaks an ‘indo-european language’, by far the most of any ‘language family’)

(the ‘indo-european family’ includes most of the ‘modern languages’ of ‘europe’, and parts of ((‘western’ / ‘central’ / ‘south’) asia’)

(t was also predominant in ancient ‘anatolia’ (present-day ‘turkey’), and the ancient ‘tarim basin’ (present-day ‘northwest china’) and most of ‘central asia’ until the medieval ‘turkic migrations’ + ‘mongol invasions’)

(with written evidence appearing since the ‘bronze age’ in the form of the ‘anatolian’ languages and ‘mycenaean greek’, the ‘indo-european family’ is significant to the field of ‘historical linguistics’ as possessing the 2nd-longest recorded history, after the ‘afro-asiatic family’)

(all ‘indo-european languages’ are descendants of a single prehistoric language, reconstructed as “proto-indo-european”, spoken sometime in the ‘neolithic era’)

(although no ‘written records’ remain, much of the ‘culture’ + ‘religion’ of the ‘proto-indo-european people’ can also be reconstructed based on their ‘daughter cultures’ traditionally + continuing to inhabit most of ‘europe’ + ‘south asia’, areas to where the ‘proto-indo-europeans’ migrated from their original homeland)


(several disputed proposals link ‘indo-european’ to other major ‘language families’)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“LANGUAGES″*☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  2. “indo-iranian languages” | *JoGa Jungle*
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