"irish mythology"



(the mythology of ‘pre-christian ireland’ did not entirely survive the conversion to ‘christianity’)

(however, much of it was preserved in medieval irish literature, though it was shorn of its religious meanings)

(this literature represents the most extensive and best preserved of all the branches of celtic mythology)

(although many of the manuscripts have not survived and much more material was probably never committed to writing, there is enough remaining to enable the identification of distinct, if overlapping, cycles: the ‘Mythological Cycle’, the ‘Ulster Cycle’, the ‘Fenian Cycle’, and the ‘Historical Cycle’)

(there are also a number of extant mythological texts that do not fit into any of the cycles)

(additionally, there are a large number of recorded folk tales that, while not strictly mythological, feature personages from one or more of these 4 cycles)