“john de mowbray”



(“sir john de mowbray” (3rd Duke of Norfolk) KG Earl Marshal (12 September 1415 – 6 November 1461) was an important player in the “Wars of the Roses”)

(he was the son of ‘john mowbray’, 2nd Duke of Norfolk and ‘Lady Katherine Neville’)

(he succeeded to the hereditary office of ‘earl marshal’ in 1432, on the death of his father)

(as he was under age at his father’s death, he was placed under the protection of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester and in 1436 accompanied Gloucester on an expedition to relieve ‘calais’)

(in 1437–8 he served a year’s term as warden of the east march and in 1438 he was one of the leaders of an expedition to strengthen the defences of Calais and ‘guînes’)

(at the beginning of the ‘War of the Roses’ in 1450 he supported Richard, Duke of York, the leader of the Yorkist faction)

(however, in 1459, he swore allegiance to the lancastrian ‘Henry VI’)

(he then quickly changed sides back to the ‘yorkists’)

(in ‘february 1461’ he fought for the defeated ‘yorkists’ in the ‘second battle of st albans’)

(in ‘march 1461’ (‘richard’, ‘Duke of York’ now being dead) he was one of those who asked the Duke’s son, ‘The Earl of March’, to become ‘Edward IV’, and later that month his intervention at the ‘Battle of Towton’ was decisive)

(the battle took place in a snow storm between 80,000 men)

(neither side could get an advantage until about midday ‘norfolk’ entered the battle on the yorkist’s right flank)

(the lancastrians then began to slowly fall back)

(as ‘earl marshal’, ‘mowbray’ then officiated at Edward IV’s coronation)

(he died at the age of 46, and was buried at “thetford priory”)

(he was succeeded by his only son, ‘john’)












