*marcus antonius*


(’14 january 83 BC’ – ‘1 august 30 BC’)

(committed suicide @ ‘age 53’)


‘latin form’ –> M·ANTONIVS·M·F·M·N)


(‘mark’ (or ‘marc’) antony”) in ‘english’)

“mark anthony”

“marc antony”


(the ‘dean martin’ to caesar’s ‘sinatra’)
(some sort of vaguely necessary iconic sidekick)


(“marcus antonius” was a roman ‘politician’ + ‘general’ who played a ‘critical role’ in the ‘transformation’ of the ‘roman republic’ from an ‘oligarchy’ into the autocratic ‘roman empire’)


(ally of ‘caesar’, ‘triumvir’ and afterwards enemy of ‘augustus’)


(probably the most famous of the ‘antonii’, his life is depicted in william shakespeare’s play antony + cleopatra)


(he promulgated the leges antoniae of ’44 BCE’, which…)

*abolished the office of ‘dictator’*

*re-adjusted ‘provincial commands’*

*confirming caesar’s acta*

*granted provocatio to those convicted de maiestate + de vi*


(‘antony’ was a supporter of ‘julius caesar’, and served as one of his ‘generals’ during the conquest of ‘gaul’ + the ‘civil war’)

(‘antony’ was appointed ‘administrator’ of ‘italy’ while ‘caesar’ eliminated political opponents in (‘greece’ / ‘north africa’ / ‘spain’))

(after caesar’s death in ’44 BCE’, ‘antony’ joined forces with ‘marcus aemilius lepidus’ (another of caesar’s generals) + ‘octavian’ (caesar’s ‘(grand?)-nephew’ + ‘adopted son’), forming a ‘3-man dictatorship’ known to historians as the ‘2nd triumvirate’)

(the ‘triumvirs’ defeated caesar’s murderers (the ‘liberatores’) at the ‘battle of philippi’ in ’42 BCE’, and divided the government of the ‘republic’ between themselves)

(‘antony’ was assigned rome’s eastern provinces, including the ‘client kingdom’ of ‘egypt’, then ruled by ‘cleopatra VII philopator’, and was given the command in rome’s war against ‘parthia’)

(relations among the ‘triumvirs’ were strained as the various members sought greater political power)

(civil war between ‘antony’ + ‘octavian’ was averted in ’40 BCE’, when ‘antony’ married octavian’s older sister ‘octavia’)


(because we all know that marrying your friend’s sister is a surefire way to improve your friendship…)


(despite this marriage, ‘antony’ carried on a ‘love affair’ with ‘cleopatra’, who bore him 3 children, further straining antony’s relations with ‘octavian’)




(‘lepidus’ was expelled from the association in ’36 BCE’, and in ’33 BCE’ disagreements between ‘antony’ + ‘octavian’ caused a split between the remaining ‘triumvirs’)

(their ongoing hostility erupted into ‘civil war’ in ’31 BCE’, as the ‘roman senate’ (at octavian’s direction) declared war on ‘cleopatra’ and proclaimed ‘antony’ a traitor)

(later that year, ‘antony’ was defeated by octavian’s forces at the ‘battle of actium’)

(defeated, ‘antony’ and ‘cleopatra’ fled to ‘egypt’, where they committed suicide)

(with ‘antony’ dead, ‘octavian’ was the undisputed master of the ‘roman world’)


(in 27 BC, ‘octavian’ was granted the title of augustus, marking the final stage in the transformation of the ‘roman republic’ into an ’empire’, with himself as the first ‘roman emperor’)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. julius caesar | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. mark | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. famous marks | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “famous marks” (the dead) | *JoGa Jungle*
  5. “famous anthonys” (the dead) | *JoGa Jungle*

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