*northwest semitic languages*







*’north-west semitic’ is a division of the ‘semitic language family’ comprising the ‘indigenous languages’ of the ‘levant’*


(it would have emerged from ‘common semitic’ in the ‘early bronze age’)

(it is first attested in proper names identified as ‘amorite’ in the ‘middle bronze age’)

(the oldest coherent texts are in ‘ugaritic’, dating to the ‘late bronze age’, which by the time of the ‘bronze age’ collapse are joined by ‘old aramaic’, and by the ‘iron age’ by the ‘canaanite languages’ (aka ‘phoenician’ + ‘hebrew’))

(the term was coined by ‘carl brockelmann’ in ‘1908’, who separated fritz hommel’s 1883 classification of “west semitic languages” into “northwest” (‘canaanite’ + ‘aramaic’) and ‘southwest’ (‘arabic’ + ‘abyssinian’))

(brockelmann’s canaanite sub-group includes ‘ugaritic’, ‘phoenician’, and ‘hebrew’)

(some scholars would now separate ‘ugaritic’ as a separate branch of ‘northwest semitic’ alongside ‘canaanite’)

(“central semitic” is a proposed ‘intermediate group’ comprising ‘northwest semitic’ and ‘arabic’)

(“central semitic” is either a subgroup of ‘west semitic’, or a top-level division of ‘semitic’ alongside ‘east semitic’ + ‘south semitic’)


(“SIL Ethnologue” in its system of classification (of ‘living languages’ only) eliminates ‘northwest semitic’ entirely by joining ‘canaanite’ and ‘arabic’ in a “south-central” group which together with ‘aramaic’ forms “central semitic”)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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