


(even better than the ‘best bands’!)

(‘faithful adherents’ to the ‘sonic instructions’ of ‘dead men’)




(originally the name for the section of an ‘ancient greek stage’ designated for the “greek chorus”)




‘american english’ —> /ˈɔːrˌkɛstrə/


‘italian’ —> [orˈkɛstra]


(an orchestra is a ‘large instrumental ensemble’ typical of ‘classical music’, which features…)

‘string instruments’ 

such as…




‘double bass’


as well as…

‘brass instruments’

‘woodwind instruments’

‘percussion instruments’


(all instruments are grouped in ‘sections’)


(other instruments (such as the ‘piano’ + ‘celesta’) may sometimes appear in a 5th ‘keyboard section’ or may stand alone, as may the ‘concert harp’ + (for ‘performances’ of some ‘modern compositions’) ‘electronic instruments’)

(the term orchestra derives from the ‘greek’ ὀρχήστρα (orchestra), the name for the area in front of a stage in ‘ancient greek theater’ reserved for the ‘greek chorus’)

(a full-size ‘orchestra’ may sometimes be called a symphony orchestra (or philharmonic orchestra))

(the actual number of musicians employed in a given performance may vary from ’70’ to ‘100+’ musicians, depending on the ‘work’ being ‘played’ + the ‘size’ of the ‘venue’)

(the term chamber orchestra (and sometimes concert orchestra) usually refers to ‘smaller-sized ensembles’ of about 50 musicians or fewer)


(‘orchestras’ that specialize in…)

the ‘baroque’ music of (for example) ‘johann sebastian bach’ + ‘george frideric handel’…

….or ‘classical’ repertoire…
(such as that of ‘haydn’ + ‘mozart’)

(…tend to be smaller than orchestras performing a ‘romantic’ music repertoire (such as the ‘symphonies’ of ‘johannes brahms’))


(the typical ‘orchestra’ grew in size throughout the ‘1700s’ + ‘1800s’, reaching a peak with the large ‘orchestras’ (of as many as ‘120 players’) called for in the works of ‘richard wagner’, and later, ‘gustav mahler’)

(‘orchestras’ are usually led by a ‘conductor’ who directs the performance with movements of the hands + arms, often amplified by use of a ‘conductor’s baton’)


(the ‘conductor’…)

*unifies the ‘orchestra’*

*sets the ‘tempo’*

*shapes the ‘sound’ of the ‘ensemble’*


(the ‘conductor’ also prepares the ‘orchestra’ by leading ‘rehearsals’ before the ‘public concert’, in which the ‘conductor’ provides instructions to the musicians on their ‘interpretation’ of the music being performed)

(the ‘first violin’ (commonly called the ‘concertmaster’) also plays an important role in leading the ‘musicians’)

(in the ‘baroque’ music era (1600–1750), ‘orchestras’ were often led by the ‘concertmaster’ or by a ‘chord-playing musician’ performing the ‘basso continuo’ parts on a ‘harpsichord’ or ‘pipe organ’, a tradition that some ‘20th century’ + ‘21st century’ early music ensembles continue)


(‘orchestras’ play a wide range of repertoire, including…)


*’opera’ + ’ballet’ overtures*

*’concertos’ (for solo instruments)*

*’pit ensembles’ for ‘operas’ / ‘ballets’ / some types of ‘musical theater’ (e.g., ‘gilbert + sullivan’ operettas)*

(‘amateur orchestras’ include those made up of students from an ‘elementary school’ or a ‘high school’, ‘youth orchestras’, and ‘community orchestras’)

(the latter 2 typically being made up of ‘amateur musicians’ from a particular ‘city’ or ‘region’)






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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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