-organized religion-













*AKA* –>




(for brits)


*’organized religion’ is ‘religion’ in which ‘belief systems’/’rituals’ are ‘systematically arranged’ + ‘formally established’*


(“organized religion” is typically characterized by an official ‘doctrine’ (or ‘dogma’), a ‘hierarchical’ or ‘bureaucratic’ leadership structure, and a ‘codification’ of ‘rules’ + ‘practices’)

(‘mass media’ frequently use the term organized religion to refer to the world’s ‘largest religious groups’, especially those known by name internationally, and it also refers to ‘organizations’ with which one can ‘legally’ or ‘officially’ affiliate oneself or not)

(‘organized religion’ is distinguished from the broader idea of ‘religion’ especially in ‘anthropology’, ‘sociology’, and ‘philosophy’)

(american philosopher ‘william james’ states that:)

(‘religion’… shall mean for us the ‘feelings’, ‘acts’, and ‘experiences’ of individual men in their ‘solitude’… in relation to whatever they may consider the ‘divine’…since the relation may be either ‘moral’, ‘physical’, or ‘ritual’, it is evident that out of ‘religion’ in the sense in which we take it, ‘theologies’, ‘philosophies’, and ‘ecclesiastical organizations’ may secondarily grow)

(‘james’ further comments that the essential elements of “institutional religion” are “worship and sacrifice, “procedures for working on the dispositions of the ‘deity’ [i.e.] ‘theology'”, and “‘ceremony’ and ‘ecclesiastical’ organization”)

(‘organized religion’ seems to have gained prevalence since the ‘neolithic era’ with the rise of wide-scale ‘civilization’ and ‘agriculture’)

(‘organized religions’ may include a state’s ‘official religion’ (for example ‘reified’ by a ‘state church’); however, most ‘political states’ have any number of ‘organized religions’ practiced within their ‘jurisdiction’)

(due to their ‘structured’, ‘standardized’, and so easily ‘proliferated’ form, ‘organized religions’ comprise many of the world’s ‘major religious groups’)

(the ‘abrahamic religions’ are all largely considered ‘organized’ (including ‘christianity’, ‘islam’, ‘judaism’, and the ‘bahá’í faith’), as well as some schools of thought within ‘indian religions’ (for example, some schools of ‘hinduism’ and ‘buddhism’)


*religions that are not considered ‘organized’ (or only loosely so) include many ‘indigenous’ + ‘folk’ religions, such as ‘traditional african religions’, ‘native american religions’, and ‘pre-historic religions’, as well as ‘personal religions’ including some strands of ‘hinduism’*








👈👈👈☜*“FAITH”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥