
A paperboy for the Toronto Star in Whitby, Ontario, Canada, 1940




(“International Newspaper Carrier Day” is an annual observance created by the Newspaper Association of America and celebrated in ‘October’)


(the day is scheduled in association with the ‘Newspaper Association Managers’ National Newspaper Week’)

(‘National Newspaper Week’ is celebrated during the first full week in October (Sun-Sat), and ‘Newspaper Carrier Day’ is observed on the ‘Saturday’ of that week)

(‘Newspapers Canada’ (the national association representing the newspaper industry in Canada) also observes this particular date, noting newspapers may choose to observe the day by running an ad, or organizing special events or activities)

(the purpose of ‘National Newspaper Week’ and ‘Newspaper Carrier Day’ is to highlight the contributions that newspapers, their staff and carriers make to gather and deliver the news to their communities)

(there is also a Newspaper Carrier Day, origin unknown, on September 4 annually)

(it “honors Barney Flaherty, the first newspaper carrier (or paperboy) hired in 1833, as well as all current newspaper carriers”)

(it is celebrated on September 4, the anniversary of Flaherty’s hiring by Benjamin Day, publisher of the “New York Sun”)

(it is also observed by ‘The Armidale Express’, ‘NSW’, ‘Australia’)

(“paperboy” (and less commonly “papergirl”) was an iconic role of youngsters, often their first job, in western nations during the heyday of ‘printed newspapers’)

(a paperboy’s task was to distribute printed newspapers to homes or offices of subscribers on a regular route, usually by bicycle or automobile)

(this has often been a before-school or after-school job for adolescents)

(contrast with the ‘newsboy’ or newspaper hawker, now extremely rare in Western nations, who would sell newspapers to passersby on the street, often with very vocal promotion)


(they were common when multiple daily papers in every city—as many as 50 in New York City—competed for sales each day)









👈👈👈☜*“NEWSPAPERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥