“percussive guitar”

“guitar world”
*’broken link’ as of ‘2 november 2021’*


-as of [10 MARCH 2024]


(learn percussive guitar to be an “acoustic” one-man-band)

(learn it from “bowtie_dave”)

(that’s his instagram account)

(i think i saw him play at the november 2016 east village open mic)

(on election night)

(he probably wouldn’t remember me)

(but “greenwich village” needs to be my stomping grounds)

(where all good things happen to me)

(i met him in summer 2017 while busking on ‘bleecker street’ late saturday night)

(he could hear my guitar down the block)

(he’s also a bassist)
(another divine signal i need to take advantage of)

(will it break the guitar?)

(especially my current cheap beat-up ‘fender’)

(will i be able to get the ‘melodic foundation’ that i get now without it?)

(will it help me break up my monotonous strumming patterns?)

(according to “christopher bailey” that is)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥